- 🔍 Search Operators
- 🔧 URL Modifiers
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Operator | Description | Syntax | Example |
() | Group multiple terms or operators. Allows advanced expressions | (<term> or <operator>) | inurl:(html | php) |
* | Wildcard. Matches any word | <text> * <text> | How to * a computer |
"" | The given keyword has to match exactly. case-insensitive | "<keywords>" | "google" |
m..n / m...n | Search for a range of numbers. n should be greater than m | <number>..<number> | 1..100 |
- | Documents that match the operator are excluded. NOT-Operator | -<operator> | -site:youtube.com |
+ | Include documents that match the operator | +<operator> | +site:youtube.com |
| | Logical OR-Operator. Only one operator needs to match in order for the overall expression to match | <operator> | <operator> | "google" | "yahoo" |
~ | Search for synonyms of the given word. Not supported by Google | ~<word> | ~book |
@ | Perform a search only on the given social media platform. Rather use site | @<socialmedia> | |
after | Search for documents published / indexed after the given date | after:<yy(-mm-dd)> | after:2020-06-03 |
allintitle | Same as intitle but allows multiple keywords seperated by a space | allintitle:<keywords> | allintitle:dog cat |
allinurl | Same as inurl but allows multiple keywords seperated by a space | allinurl:<keywords> | allinurl:search com |
allintext | Same as intext but allows multiple keywords seperated by a space | allintext:<keywords> | allintext:math science university |
AROUND | Search for documents in which the first word is up to n words away from the second word and vice versa | <word1> AROUND(<n>) <word2> | google AROUND(10) good |
author | Search for articles written by the given author if applicable | author:<name> | author:Max |
before | Search for documents published / indexed before the given date | before:<yy(-mm-dd)> | before:2020-06-03 |
cache | Search on the cached version of the given website. Uses Google's cache to do so | cache:<domain> | cache:google.com |
contains | Search for documents that link to the given fileype. Not supported by Google | contains:<filetype> | contains:pdf |
date | Search for documents published within the past n months. Not supported by Google | date:<number> | date:3 |
define | Search for the definition of the given word | define:<word> | define:funny |
ext | Search for a specific filetype | ext:<documenttype> | ext:pdf |
filetype | Refer to ext | filetype:<documenttype> | filetype:pdf |
inanchor | Search for the given keyword in a website's anchors | inanchor:<keyword> | inanchor:security |
index of | Search for documents containing direct downloads | index of:<term> | index of:mp4 videos |
info | Search for information about a website | info:<domain> | info:google.com |
intext | Keyword needs to be in the text of the document | intext:<keyword> | intext:news |
intitle | Keyword needs to be in the title of the document | intitle:<keyword> | intitle:money |
inurl | Keyword needs to be in the URL of the document | inurl:<keyword> | inurl:sheet |
link / links | Search for documents whose links contain the given keyword. Useful for finding documents that link to a specific website | link:<keyword> | link:google |
location | Show documents based on the given location | location:<location> | location:USA |
numrange | Refer to m..n | numrange:<number>-<number> | numrange:1-100 |
OR | Refer to | | <operator> OR <operator> | "google" OR "yahoo" |
phonebook | Search for related phone numbers associated with the given name | phonebook:<name> | phonebook:"william smith" |
relate / related | Search for documents that are related to the given website | relate:<domain> | relate:google.com |
safesearch | Exclude adult content such as pornographic videos | safesearch:<keyword> | safesearch:sex |
source | Search on a specific news site. Rather use site | source:<news> | source:theguardian |
site | Search on the given site. Given argument might also be just a TLD such as com, net, etc | site:<domain> | site:google.com |
stock | Search for information about a market stock | stock:<stock> | stock:dax |
weather | Search for information about the weather of the given location | weather:<location> | weather:Miami |
From chr3st5an
Add at the parameter at the end of the SERP (Search Engine Result Pages) URL.
Modifier | Description | Parameter | Example |
App Search | Activate app search filter | &tbs=app_price:free (free) &tbs=app_price:paid (paid) &tbs=app_os:1 (Android) &tbs=app_os:13 (iOS) |
https://www.google.com/search?q=star+wars&tbs=app_os:13 |
Blog Search | Activate blog search filter | &tbs=blgt:b | https://www.google.com/search?q=star+wars&tbs=blgt:b |
Bring Up Local Finder | Get local results | &tbm=lcl | https://www.google.com/search?q=star+wars&tbm=lcl |
Country Search | Search country domains | &cr=country[CountryCode] | https://www.google.com/search?q=star+wars&cr=countryAU |
Disable Filtering Of Results | Gives unfiltered results | &filter=0 | https://www.google.com/search?q=star+wars&filter=0 |
Disable Personalized Results | Gives non personalized results | &pws=0 | https://www.google.com/search?q=star+wars&pws=0 |
Forum Search | Activate forum search filter | &udm=18 | https://www.google.com/search?q=star+wars&udm=18 |
Image Search | Activate image search filter | &tbm=isch | https://www.google.com/search?q=star+wars&tbm=isch |
News Search | Activate news search filter | &tbm=nws &tbs=nrt:b (news from blogs) |
https://www.google.com/search?q=star+wars&tbm=nws |
No Country Redirect | Takes you to .com instead of country url | /ncr | https://www.google.com/ncr |
Patent Search | Activate patent search filter | &tbm=pts | https://www.google.com/search?q=star+wars&tbm=pts |
Results From Past Hour | Displays the results from the past hour | &tbs=qdr:s (second) &tbs=qdr:n (minute) &tbs=qdr:h (hour) &tbs=qdr:d (day) &tbs=qdr:w (week) &tbs=qdr:m (month) &tbs=qdr:y (year) |
https://www.google.com/search?q=star+wars&tbs=qdr:h |
Shopping Search | Activate shopping search filter | &tbm=shop | https://www.google.com/search?q=star+wars&tbm=shop |
Video Search | Activate video search filter | &tbm=vid | https://www.google.com/search?q=star+wars&tbm=vid |
Inspired by Supple
USE AT YOUR OWN RISK! Google Dorking can be used for Cybersecurity, Penetration, and Vulnerability testing. However, some things may lead to illegal activity or concern people's sensitive data.
To protect yourself use a Tor Browser and for even better protection use a VPN.
filetype:pdf intitle:"Confidental"
filetype:doc intitle:"Confidental"
filetype:xls intitle:"Confidental"
filetype:ppt intitle:"Confidental"
intitle:"D-Link" inurl:"/video.htm"
intitle:"Linksys Viewer - Login" -inurl:mainFrame
intitle:"Live View /-AXIS"
intitle:"netcam watcher"
intitle:"Network Camera NetworkCamera"
intitle:"TP-LINK IP-Camera"
intitle:"Webcam" inurl:WebCam.htm
intitle:"webcamXP 5"
intitle:webcamxp inurl:8080
inurl:top.htm inurl:currenttime
intitle:"Admin Login"
intitle:"Control Panel" inurl:/admin
intitle:"Control Panel" inurl:/login
intitle:"Browse Directory"
intitle:"index of" database.properties
intitle:"Index of" inurl:/parent-directory
intitle:"Index of" inurl:/admin
intitle:"Index of" inurl:/backup
intitle:"Index of" inurl:/config
intitle:"Index of" inurl:/logs
filetype:txt @gmail.com OR @yahoo.com OR @hotmail.com OR @aol.com
filetype:xls inurl:"email.xls"
site:drive.google.com confidential
intitle:"Amazon Echo" "setup"
intitle:"Baby Monitor" inurl:"/live"
intitle:"Doorbell Camera" inurl:"/setup"
intitle:"Google Home" "setup"
intitle:"Router Login" inurl:/login
intitle:"Smart Lighting Control Panel"
intitle:"Sonos - Google Chrome"
intitle:"Thermostat" inurl:"/status"
intitle:"Smart TV" inurl:/cgi-bin/login
intext:"SMART TV" inurl:password.txt
inurl:"description.xml" "Philips hue bridge"
inurl:"/smartlock" intitle:"Login"
intitle:login inurl:/admin
intitle:login inurl:/login
site:preprod.* * inurl:login
intitle:"index.of" (mp4|avi|mkv) "[movie name]" -html -htm -php -asp -jsp
[movie name] site:drive.google.com intitle:wmv|mpg|avi|mp4|mkv|mov
inurl:mkv+[movie name]
inurl:mp4+[movie name]
intext:"printer meter"
intitle:”Brother” intext:”View Configuration”
intitle:"Device name" inurl:home.htm
intitle:”Network Print Server” filetype:html
intitle:”HP LaserJet” inurl:SSI/index.htm
intitle:"open network devices"
intext:”Powered by WordPress”
intitle:”Login — WordPress”
intitle:"powered by WordPress" version