
AgeQuest is a web application that predicts a user's age based on their answers to a series of questions related to technology, media, and cultural experiences across different time periods.

Table of Contents


  • Interactive Quiz: Users answer a series of questions to predict their age.
  • Dynamic Question Display: Questions are displayed one by one, with multiple-choice answers.
  • Age Prediction: The app calculates and displays the user's predicted age based on their answers.
  • Loading Animation: A loader is shown while the app calculates the age.
  • Modal Display: The result is displayed in a modal window after the loader animation.

Technologies Used

  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • JavaScript (ES6)


To set up the project locally, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone
  2.  cd AgeQuest


  1. Answer each question by selecting one of the multiple-choice options.
  2. After answering all questions, the app will calculate your predicted age.
  3. A loader will be displayed for 5 seconds while your age is being calculated.
  4. Your predicted age will be displayed in a modal window.

File structure

├── index.html        # Main HTML file
├── styles.css        # CSS file for styling
└── script.js         # JavaScript file for quiz functionality

Python version

AgeQuest is a terminal-based quiz application that estimates your age based on your answers to a series of questions related to your life experiences. The questions cover various periods and technologies that you may have encountered during your lifetime.