Scapes Engine Build

Build module for ScapesEngine based applications



  • To Linux with simple tars to be processed by the package manager
  • To MacOSX using an app bundle distributed in a tar
  • To Windows using an Inno Setup based installer or extractable zips

Asset bundling

AssetBundler task can bundle a directory into a binary tag structure to easy distribution (e.g. for assets stored on a web server)

Base64 embedding

Base64Embedder turns a file into Kotlin source code, relying on some decoding utilities to allow bundling assets directly with code, specifically useful when compiling with Kotlin/JS.

NPM configuration

NpmConfigTask creates an npm package configuration for exporting Kotlin/JS projects into a npm environment (e.g. for webpack).

Webpack configuration

WebpackConfigTask creates a webpack configuration for deploying Kotlin/JS project to the browser.


You can check the available deployment targets using the task target (in Deployment group).

Other than that, running the deploy target will run all available deploy tasks.

Note: Windows deployment can take a long time due to compression, edit Setup.iss to disable compression for testing.


  • Unix environment highly recommended
  • deployLinux32 and deployLinux64 should be available out-of-the-box


  • Unix environment highly recommended
  • deployMacOSX should be available out-of-the-box


  • Download Launch4j for your platform
  • Place the extracted archives into buildSrc/resources/Launch4j (Make sure the jar is in buildSrc/resources/Launch4j/launch4j.jar!)
  • Download Inno Setup (Unicode version recommended)
  • Windows only:
    • Run the installer and install everything into buildSrc/resources/Inno Setup 5 (Make sure the compiler is in buildSrc/resources/Inno Setup 5/ISCC.exe!)
  • Non-Windows only:
    • Install Wine for your system (Running wine --version in the terminal has to work, as depends on that command to be set up)
    • Run the Inno Setup installer
    • Copy the Inno Setup 5 directory to buildSrc/resources/Inno Setup 5 (Make sure the compiler is in buildSrc/resources/Inno Setup 5/ISCC.exe!)
    • Make sure to have a working Wine prefix when building
  • Run tasks target to check if deployWindows is available


The npm and webpack tasks rely on working npm and node commands on the path.