
VEGAPy: A Virtual Exposure Generator for Astronomy in Python

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

VEGAPy: A Virtual Exposure Generator for Astronomy in Python

This package is designed for creating realistic (short exposure) images, including e.g. read noise, photon noise and short exposure point spread functions (PSFs). For an example session, see the file example_session.py in the examples sub-package or the example in the Basic Usage section.

Basic usage

In principle, you just need to define instances of the three package intern classes for the science target (Target), the Telescope (Telescope) and the detector (Detector). The classes are explained in detail below, but also see the documentary strings in the class definitions.


import vegapy

import astropy.units as u

target = vegapy.Target(band='H', FoV=22*u.arcsec, shape=(1024, 1024), star_table='my_star_table_file.dat', sky_background=13)

telescope = vegapy.Telescope(8.2*u.m, central_obscuration=0.14, name="VLT Unit Telescope", psf_source='my_psf_file.fits')

detector = vegapy.Detector((1024, 1024), pixel_size=0.0106u.arcsec, readout_noise=35u.electron/u.pix, system_gain=17u.electron/u.adu, optics_transmission=0.9, quantum_efficiency=0.9u.electron/u.ph, saturation_level=7200*u.adu)

vegapy.generate_exposure(target, telescope, detector, DIT=0.2*u.s, number_frames=5, filename='my_exposure.fits') '''

About the classes and principle function

Please find an overview of the three object classes and the principle function below.

Target class

Telescope class

Detector class

generate_exposure() function