
Creating a Database Object

The Database API has some really simple mechanics. You can create one object to use for an infinite number of database connections
For that you'll need to call the Method found in the DatabaseAPI,
DatabaseAPI::constructConnection, what returns an new Instance of Connection.
This method has the method header
(String $host, String $user, String $password).
$host is the IP-Address your MySQL-Server is running on,
$user is the MySQL User you want to connect over
$password is the password of the MySQL User.

Making Insertion Statements

Once you have a Connection Object,
Making Insertion Statements is really simple
The Method header for that is
(String $query, String $database, Closure $action, array $data)
$query is the MySQL Query you want to execute
$database is the Name of the Database you want to do the Insertion in
$action is the Closure which can be executed after the database has executed the query, for example for giving a success message
$data is an Array of various DataTypes you can use in $action to access different System Parts. Please note that only primitive Data Types are allowed!

Making Selection Statements

Making Selection Statements in not really different You have the Method Header
(String $query, String $database, \Closure $datahandler = null, \Closure $action = null, array $data = [], ...$closures)
$query is the MySQL Query that should be executed
$database is the Database name you want to run the Query in
$datahandler Is the action you want to execute when the Task has received the data. The Return value of that will be passed to
$action as $data
$action is the Action that is executed after $datahandler was executed and all data was received. You can access Server and Plugin Objects with ease there, beceause that is no longer Part of the Asynchronous Thread
$data is extra data which you can use in $action to Interact with different System Parts. Please not that as stated above, only primitive Data Types are allowed.
$closures You can give an unlimited amount of functions there, which will be executed. They get the method parameters (Server $server, Object $result, array $extradata)


Connection Creation

Here you have an example for an Connection Object Creation:
$connection = DatabaseAPI::constructConnection("", "stats", "justanotherpassword");

Insertion Statements

Here is an Insertion Statement example:

$connection->execute("INSERT INTO database_test(val) VALUES ('ABC')",
function($result, $extra){
 ["player" => $player->getName()]);

Selection Statement

Here is an Selection Statement example:

$connection->executeQuery("SELECT * FROM players",
  $data = [];
   while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)){
    $data[] = $row["player_name"];
   return $data;
  function($result, $extra){
    Server::getInstance()->getPlayerExact($extra["player])->sendMessage("Online Players: " . implode(", ", $result));
  ["player" => $player->getName()]);