
manage the added commands, checks the arguments und cast it to the argument objects

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


A command manager made for JDA 4

Setup a command handler

Create the command handler
  • set the prefix
CommandHandler commandHandler = new CommandHandler(".");

Add the listener


Add commands

commandHandler.addCommands(new MsgCommand(), new SayCommand());

Setup a command

Create a command

public class SayCommand extends Command {

Create a advanced command

public class MsgCommand extends AdvancedCommand {

Command class methods to implement:

  • public boolean cancel(String[] args, MessageReceivedEvent event){}

    returns if the command will be excecuted. If true error will triggered

  • Command: public void action(String[] args, MessageReceivedEvent event) throws Exception{}

  • AdvancedCommand: public void action(Object[] args, MessageReceivedEvent event) throws Exception{}

    execute the command

  • public void error(String[] args, MessageReceivedEvent event){}:

    called if an exception was thrown, cancel returns true

  • public void setArguments(){}

  • public void setChannelTypes(){}

    called on creating command. Can be used to set the command arguments and set the channel types which can trigger the command

Set the command arguments

  • name = the function of the argument
  • required = if you have to use this argument
  • type = type of CommandArgument.ArgumentType
addArgument("user", true, CommandArgument.ArgumentType.USER_MENTION);
addArgument("text", true, CommandArgument.ArgumentType.STRING);
Command argument types
Type Example Object
WORD set string
STRING "any message" string
USER_MENTION @username string (user ID)
CHANNEL_MENTION #channelname string (channel ID)
ROLE_MENTION @rolename string (role ID)
INTEGER 10 Integer
BOOLEAN true/1 Boolean

Set the channel types
