
Behaviordriven Javabased Onehundret and ten percent Efficient Readable Notation

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


Behaviordriven Javabased Onehundret and ten percent Efficient Readable Notation

Bjoern is a universal bdd test generater (and a person). The main focus is to generate java-classes from bdd-style text files to ensure synchronisation between the specification and the code.

The generated classes are simple and are designed to be generated each time. You should not edit the generated files because they will be deleted on every run of the generator.

The generated classes are plain Junit. You can extend them to define your own runners which makes it compatible with spring or mockito.

How to use

As a gradle plugin


you then have to configure the generator in gradle

	folder = "${projectDir}/src/test/resources"
	pckg ="de.mehtrick.bjoern-sample"
	gendir = "${projectDir}/src/gen/bjoern"

Available Tasks

Taskname Description
bjoerngen Generates the abstract test classes
bjoerndoc Generates documentation of the bjoern files. (Default is asciidoc)

List of Parameters

Parameter name required Description Default value example
path yes (if the folder is not set) The absoulte path to your specification "${projectDir}/src/test/resources/bjoern.zgr"
folder yes (if the path is not set. If both are set folder wins) The absoulte path to the folder where all specifications are placed "${projectDir}/src/test/resources"
pckg yes The package declaration of the generated classes "de.mehtrick.bjoern-sample"
gendir yes The folder where all of the files will be generated "${projectDir}/src/test/gen"
extendedTestClass no Fully qualified Name of class which all of the generated files will extend "de.mehtrick.AbstractTestClass"
docdir no(only when generating Docs) The folder where all the documentations will be generated "${projectDir}/src/test/resources"
template no Name of the freemarker Templatefile that will be loaded during generation. Default is an asciidoc template, which is part of the classpath "/asciidoc.ftlh" "/asciidoc.ftlh"
templatefolder no The folder where selfwritten freemarker templates for documentationgeneration can be placed By default the internal bjoern templates will be used "${projectDir}/src/main/resources/templates"
docExtension no The extension of the generated Doc Files. "adoc" "adoc"
junitVersion no The used junit-version. Possible values are 4 or 5. The value changes the used junit annotations, to secure the correct test functionality "5" "4"
encoding no The encoding used for the spec files. This Encoding ist not used for the generated java files. Bjoern uses java poet which only generates UTF-8 files. "UTF-8" "UTF-16"


The specification is yaml based. Bjoern uses the .zgr file extension to determine the specification files. You will find the typical BDD keywords in it. For more convenience there is a VS-Code plugin which greatly improves the usability of the specs.


Feature: Test eines KassenAutomaten
    - Ein typ der was trinken will
  - Scenario: Getränk nicht vorhanden
      - Ein Automat
      - Mit "2" Flaschen Cola
      - Mit "0" Flaschen Sprite
      - Kaufe "1" Sprite
      - Automat sagt "alle"
      - Es existieren "2" Cola im Automaten
  - Scenario: Getraenk vorhanden
      - Ein Automat
      - Mit "2" Flaschen Cola
      - Mit "0" Flaschen Sprite
      - Kaufe "1" Cola
      - Automat sagt "ok"
      - Es existieren "1" Cola im Automaten

Code generation

Bjoern will then generate the TestClasses based on the spec

First it will generate an abstract class which contains the test structure in form of the scenarios

package de.mehtrick.bjoern;

import java.lang.Exception;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;

 * Test eines KassenAutomaten */
public abstract class AbstractTestEinesKassenautomaten extends AbstractTestclass implements TestEinesKassenautomatenInterface {
   * Getränk nicht vorhanden */
  public void getraenkNichtVorhanden() throws Exception {

   * Getraenk vorhanden */
  public void getraenkVorhanden() throws Exception {

  public void background() throws Exception {

Then bjoern will also generate Interfaces defining the test method signatures

package de.mehtrick.bjoern;

import java.lang.Exception;
import java.lang.String;

public interface TestEinesKassenautomatenInterface {
  void given_EinAutomat() throws Exception;

  void when_KaufeSprite(String param1) throws Exception;

  void then_EsExistierenColaImAutomaten(String param1) throws Exception;

  void given_EinTypDerWasTrinkenWill() throws Exception;

  void given_MitFlaschenSprite(String param1) throws Exception;

  void then_AutomatSagt(String param1) throws Exception;

  void given_MitFlaschenCola(String param1) throws Exception;

  void when_KaufeCola(String param1) throws Exception;

Doc Generation

Example Asciidoc

= Test Foo

== Background
|*Given* |A Foo
>|*And* |A Bar

== Scenario: Foo is not happy
|*Given* |there are "2" bottles of wine
>|*And* |there are "0" bottles of beer
|*When* |Foo wants to drink "1" bottle of beer
|*Then* |Foo says "why is my beer empty"

== Scenario: Foo is happy
|*Given* |there are "2" bottles of wine
>|*And* |there are "1" bottles of beer
|*When* |Foo wants to drink "1" bottle of beer
|*Then* |Foo says "yeah beer"

The Developer now has to implement the missing methods. In one feature class the methods will be reused if their name is written the same all over the specification

Project Structure

Bjoern Parser

The parser project reads the bjoern file and parses it to java-classes using mainly jackson. It does not just convert it to pojos but reads things like parameters from the statements. The Parse also contains a validator which helps you with the correct syntax. Keep in mind, that this might catch not all the exceptions, so you might get some jackson-mapping-exceptions as well.

Bjoern Generator

Is basend on the Bjoern Parser and generates java class files from the pojos of the Bjoern Parser. This is done by using java poet. Every feature will generate a coresponding class and every scenario in that feature will become a test method. The BDD statements like Given When Then will generate abstract methods which need to be implemented by the developer.

Bjoern Gradle Generator

Is basend on the Bjoern Generator and wraps its functionality into a gradle plugin. The major task is called bjoern which will generate the java classes based on your gradle-bjoern-config.

Bjoern Base Generator

Project to share base functionality like configuration or file-filter for every generator

Bjoern Doc Generator

Generates documentations based on the bjoern files. It uses apache freemarker as template engine. As default the generator will create asciidoc files. Other formats aren't supported yet. However you can create your own freemarker templates and configure them via gradle

How to build


gradlew build