
Home of the PsCommandDiscovery PowerShell module designed to help users find and discover commands they are looking for

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Finding PowerShell commands for a given mission isn't always easy. There are thousands of commands. Especially for new users, finding a good command to start with often is a show stopper.

The built-in Get-Command is a good choice to find commands based on name, verb, noun, module, or parameter.

Find-PowerShellCommand goes a step beyond. It takes a simple keyword from you. Just make sure the keyword describes either the command you are looking for, or the information you want to get.

Find-PowerShellCommand searches for your keyword not just in the command name. It also looks at the kinds of data returned by the command, so if you're looking for commands that help you get IPAddresses, Find-PowerShellCommand would find commands with arbitrary names that return objects with at least one property containing your keyword, i.e. IPAddress.

That makes discovering commands so much easier, for the new user as well as for the experienced PowerShell SysAdmin who's looking for some piece of information.

I've started work on this while updating one of my books. In a perfect world, I'd love to get your feedback via Discussions so we can refine Find-PowerShellCommand and add more strategies and tools to make the first step easier: finding the automation command that can make your day.


Install from PowerShell Gallery:

Install-Module -Name PsCommandDiscovery -Scope CurrentUser -Verbose

Finding Commands by Keyword

Lists all cmdlets and functions that use the term "user" anywhere in its name, parameter, returned property or returned method.

Find-PowerShellCommand -Keyword user

Sample result:

Command                                   MatchType   Member                                                                                                    
-------                                   ---------   ------                                                                                                    
Add-WinADUserGroups                       CommandName                                                                                                           
Convert-SidToUser                         CommandName                                                                                                           
Convert-SIDToUser                         CommandName                                                                                                           
Get-Credential                            Property    [string] UserName (readonly)                                                                              
Get-Culture                               Property    [bool] UseUserOverride (readonly)                                                                         
Get-EventLog                              Property    [string] UserName (readonly)                                                                              
Get-LocalUser                             CommandName                                                                                                           
Get-PnPAADUser                            CommandName                                                                                                           
Get-PnPTeamsUser                          CommandName                                                                                                           
Get-PnPUser                               CommandName                                                                                                           
Get-PnPUserOneDriveQuota                  CommandName                                                                                                           
Get-PnPUserProfileProperty                CommandName                                                                                                           
Get-Process                               Property    [timespan] UserProcessorTime (readonly)                                                                   
Get-SPOCrossGeoMovedUsers                 CommandName                                                                                                           
Get-SPOCrossGeoUsers                      CommandName                                                                                                           
Get-SPOExternalUser                       CommandName                                                                                                           
Get-SPOSiteUserInvitations                CommandName                                                                                                           
Get-SPOUser                               CommandName                                                                                                           
Get-SPOUserAndContentMoveState            CommandName                                                                                                           
Get-SPOUserOneDriveLocation               CommandName                                                                                                           
Get-UICulture                             Property    [bool] UseUserOverride (readonly)                                                                         
Get-WinUserLanguageList                   CommandName                                                                                                           
Get-WUServiceManager                      CommandName                                                                                                           
Start-Process                             Property    [timespan] UserProcessorTime (readonly)                                                                   
Start-SPOUserAndContentMove               CommandName                                                                                                           
Stop-Process                              Property    [timespan] UserProcessorTime (readonly)                                                                   
Stop-SPOUserAndContentMove                CommandName                                                                                                           
Update-AzADUser                           CommandName                                                                                                           
Update-UserType                           CommandName                                                                                                           

Showing Progressbar and Limiting Search Scope

Lists all commands that return objects that expose a property with "user" in its name, and shows a progress bar while searching.

Using a progress bar can slow down the overall time the command requires.

Find-PowerShellCommand -Keyword user -SearchType Property -ShowProgress

Sample result:

Command               MatchType Member                                                                                                                          
-------               --------- ------                                                                                                                          
Get-Credential        Property  [string] UserName (readonly)                                                                                                    
Get-Culture           Property  [bool] UseUserOverride (readonly)                                                                                               
Get-EventLog          Property  [string] UserName (readonly)                                                                                                    
Get-Process           Property  [timespan] UserProcessorTime (readonly)                                                                                         
Get-UICulture         Property  [bool] UseUserOverride (readonly)                                                                                               
New-PSTransportOption Property  [Nullable`1[[System.Int32, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089]]] MaxSessionsPerUser ...
New-PSTransportOption Property  [Nullable`1[[System.Int32, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089]]] MaxConcurrentUsers ...
Start-Process         Property  [timespan] UserProcessorTime (readonly)                                                                                         
Stop-Process          Property  [timespan] UserProcessorTime (readonly)                                                                                                           

Searching in Parameters

Finds all cmdlets and functions with a parameter that contains "network"

Find-PowerShellCommand -Keyword network -SearchType Parameter

Sample result:

Command                       MatchType Member                                      Type                      
-------                       --------- ------                                      ----                      
Enable-PSRemoting             Parameter -SkipNetworkProfileCheck [switch]  (Switch) Microsoft.PowerShell.Core 
Enable-PSSessionConfiguration Parameter -SkipNetworkProfileCheck [switch]  (Switch) Microsoft.PowerShell.Core 
Enter-PSSession               Parameter -EnableNetworkAccess [switch]  (Switch)     Microsoft.PowerShell.Core 
Invoke-Command                Parameter -EnableNetworkAccess [switch]  (Switch)     Microsoft.PowerShell.Core 
New-PSSession                 Parameter -EnableNetworkAccess [switch]  (Switch)     Microsoft.PowerShell.Core 
Set-WSManQuickConfig          Parameter -SkipNetworkProfileCheck [switch]  (Switch) Microsoft.WSMan.Management

Searching for Applications

Finds all executables and differentiates console commands from gui applications.

Find-PowerShellCommand -Keyword power -CommandType Application

Sample result:

Command            MatchType Member                                          Type   
-------            --------- ------                                          ----   
powercfg.cpl       Command   .cpl: powercfg (x64) [Gui] 10.0.19041.800       Gui    
powercfg.exe       Command   .exe: powercfg (x64) [Console] 10.0.19041.800   Console
POWERPNT.EXE       Command   .exe: POWERPNT (x86) [Gui] 16.0.13530.20440     Gui    
powershell.exe     Command   .exe: powershell (x64) [Console] 10.0.19041.800 Console
powershell_ise.exe Command   .exe: powershell_ise (x64) [Gui] 10.0.19041.1   Gui   

Finding Console Commands Only

Finds all console applications and lists version and source.

Again, all information returned is object-oriented so you can drill into the properties to retrieve what you need.

Find-PowerShellCommand -Keyword power -CommandType Application | 
  Where-Object Type -eq Console | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Command

Sample result:

CommandType     Name                                               Version    Source                                                                            
-----------     ----                                               -------    ------                                                                            
Application     powercfg.exe                                       10.0.19... C:\WINDOWS\system32\powercfg.exe                                                  
Application     powershell.exe                                     10.0.19... C:\WINDOWS\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe   

Tapping Into Rich Objects

Lists all commands that produce objects with methods that carry a "Write" in the method name.

Note how you can use hashtables and calculated properties to combine information from different nest levels.

Find-PowerShellCommand -Keyword Write -SearchType Method | 
   Select-Object -Property Command, 

Sample result:

Command               MethodName                          Module                         
-------               ----------                          ------                         
Get-IseSnippet        [IO.FileStream] OpenWrite()         ISE                            
New-TemporaryFile     [IO.FileStream] OpenWrite()         Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility   
ConvertTo-Xml         [void] WriteTo()                    Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility   
ConvertTo-Xml         [void] WriteContentTo()             Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility   
Export-PSSession      [IO.FileStream] OpenWrite()         Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility   
Get-ChildItem         [IO.FileStream] OpenWrite()         Microsoft.PowerShell.Management
Get-Clipboard         [IO.FileStream] OpenWrite()         Microsoft.PowerShell.Management
Get-Clipboard         [void] Write()                      Microsoft.PowerShell.Management
Get-Clipboard         [IAsyncResult] BeginWrite()         Microsoft.PowerShell.Management
Get-Clipboard         [void] EndWrite()                   Microsoft.PowerShell.Management
Get-Clipboard         [Threading.Tasks.Task] WriteAsync() Microsoft.PowerShell.Management
Get-Clipboard         [void] WriteByte()                  Microsoft.PowerShell.Management
Get-Clipboard         [Threading.Tasks.Task] WriteAsync() Microsoft.PowerShell.Management
Get-EventLog          [void] WriteEntry() (static)        Microsoft.PowerShell.Management
Get-EventLog          [void] WriteEntry() (static)        Microsoft.PowerShell.Management
Get-EventLog          [void] WriteEntry() (static)        Microsoft.PowerShell.Management
Get-EventLog          [void] WriteEntry() (static)        Microsoft.PowerShell.Management
Get-EventLog          [void] WriteEntry()                 Microsoft.PowerShell.Management
Get-EventLog          [void] WriteEntry()                 Microsoft.PowerShell.Management
Get-EventLog          [void] WriteEntry()                 Microsoft.PowerShell.Management
Get-EventLog          [void] WriteEntry()                 Microsoft.PowerShell.Management
Get-EventLog          [void] WriteEntry() (static)        Microsoft.PowerShell.Management
Get-EventLog          [void] WriteEntry()                 Microsoft.PowerShell.Management
Get-EventLog          [void] WriteEvent()                 Microsoft.PowerShell.Management
Get-EventLog          [void] WriteEvent()                 Microsoft.PowerShell.Management
Get-EventLog          [void] WriteEvent() (static)        Microsoft.PowerShell.Management
Get-EventLog          [void] WriteEvent() (static)        Microsoft.PowerShell.Management
Get-Item              [IO.FileStream] OpenWrite()         Microsoft.PowerShell.Management
Get-Item              [IO.FileStream] OpenWrite()         Microsoft.PowerShell.Management
Get-ItemProperty      [IO.FileStream] OpenWrite()         Microsoft.PowerShell.Management
New-FileCatalog       [IO.FileStream] OpenWrite()         Microsoft.PowerShell.Security  
New-Item              [IO.FileStream] OpenWrite()         Microsoft.PowerShell.Management
Test-DscConfiguration [void] WriteError()                 PSDesiredStateConfiguration    
Test-DscConfiguration [void] WriteObject()                PSDesiredStateConfiguration    
Test-DscConfiguration [void] WriteObject()                PSDesiredStateConfiguration    
Test-DscConfiguration [void] WriteVerbose()               PSDesiredStateConfiguration    
Test-DscConfiguration [void] WriteWarning()               PSDesiredStateConfiguration    
Test-DscConfiguration [void] WriteCommandDetail()         PSDesiredStateConfiguration    
Test-DscConfiguration [void] WriteProgress()              PSDesiredStateConfiguration    
Test-DscConfiguration [void] WriteDebug()                 PSDesiredStateConfiguration    
Test-DscConfiguration [void] WriteInformation()           PSDesiredStateConfiguration    
Test-DscConfiguration [void] WriteInformation()           PSDesiredStateConfiguration  

Helper Functions

The module comes with a number of helper functions that may be valuable by their own.

Identifying Console Applications

Test-ApplicationType takes a path to an executable and investigates its PE header to find out whether it is a console or a gui application, and what its architecture is.

Obviously this works only for applications that have a PE header, so most likely this function can be used on Windows operating systems only.

Test-ApplicationType -Path c:\windows\explorer.exe

Sample result:

Name         : explorer
Extension    : .exe
Directory    : c:\windows
Type         : Gui
Architecture : x64
VersionInfo  : File:             C:\windows\explorer.exe
               InternalName:     explorer
               OriginalFilename: EXPLORER.EXE.MUI
               FileVersion:      10.0.19041.800 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
               FileDescription:  Windows-Explorer
               Product:          Betriebssystem Microsoft® Windows®
               ProductVersion:   10.0.19041.800
               Debug:            False
               Patched:          False
               PreRelease:       False
               PrivateBuild:     False
               SpecialBuild:     False
               Language:         Deutsch (Deutschland)

Converting Cim DataTypes

WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation) and its Cim derivates use their own data types such as SInt16 or SInt8.

Convert-CimTypeToNetType takes the string name of a CimType datatype and returns the corresponding .NET datatype:

Convert-CimTypeToNetType -CimType 'SInt16'


IsPublic IsSerial Name  BaseType        
-------- -------- ----  --------        
True     True     Int16 System.ValueType

Shortening Data Types

PowerShell uses Type Accelerators for the most common .NET types and supports additional ways to shorten .NET data type names.

Convert-TypeToTypeAccelerator takes a regular .NET type and returns the short PowerShell data type description (as string):

Convert-TypeToTypeAccelerator -Type ([System.Xml.XmlDocument])


[System.Int32] | Convert-TypeToTypeAccelerator

