
Automatically downloads and synchronizes subtitles for movies or shows.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


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Automatically downloads subtitles from opensubtitles.org and then syncs them using autosubsync.
The script will always name the .srt file the same as the video file.


Run the script

  1. Install dependencies: pip install -r requirements.txt
  2. Run subtitler.py: python subtitler.py -i <PATH/TO/MOVIE/DIR>

Usage in qBittorrent

Using the option "Run external program on torrent completion" you can automatically add subtitles to downloaded movies/shows.
To configure this, add this line:
python Path/To/Script/subtitler.py -i "%F"
in qBittorrent.


Command line options

usage: subtitler.py [-h] -i INPUT_DIR [-ds] [-o] [-l LANG]

Automatically downloads and syncs subtitles

required arguments:
  -i INPUT_DIR  The directory to search for videos

  -h, --help    show this help message and exit
  -ds           Pass this to disable subtitle synchronization
  -o            Pass this to override existing subtitles
  -l LANG       The language of subtitles to download (default: eng)
Language Options "all", "abk", "afr", "alb", "ara", "arg", "arm", "asm", "ast", "aze", "baq", "bel", "ben", "bos", "bre", "bul", "bur", "cat", "chi", "zht", "zhe", "hrv", "cze", "dan", "prs", "dut", "eng", "epo", "est", "ext", "fin", "fre", "gla", "glg", "geo", "ger", "ell", "heb", "hin", "hun", "ice", "ibo", "ind", "ina", "gle", "ita", "jpn", "kan", "kaz", "khm", "kor", "kur", "lav", "lit", "ltz", "mac", "may", "mal", "mni", "mar", "mon", "mne", "nav", "nep", "sme", "nor", "oci", "ori", "per", "pol", "por", "pob", "pom", "pus", "rum", "rus", "sat", "scc", "snd", "sin", "slo", "slv", "som", "spa", "spn", "spl", "swa", "swe", "syr", "tgl", "tam", "tat", "tel", "tha", "tok", "tur", "tuk", "ukr", "urd", "vie", "wel"