Node.js wrapper for the KVV (Karlsruher Verkehrsverbund) live API. 🚄
Navigate to your node.js project over the command line and install the npm package using the following command.
npm install node-kvv --save
var nodeKvv = require('node-kvv');
// Searching stops by name
nodeKvv.searchStopsByName('Karlsruhe Marktplatz');
// Searching stops by latitude and longitude
nodeKvv.searchStopsByLatLong(48.34342, 7.234234); // lat, long
// Search stop by id
// Search departures from stop by stop ID
nodeKvv.getDepartures('de:123:er'); // default will return the next 4 departures
nodeKvv.getDepartures('de:123:er', 8); // will return the next 8 departures