
Navigates on a treacherous doughnut-shaped Mars

Primary LanguageScalaMIT LicenseMIT

Torus Traveller

image of a torus

  • How to run
  • Rules
  • Considerations
  • Implementation comments (see bottom of README)

How to run

  • It's a basic sbt project, so sbt test from the root of the cloned project should suffice

Project AC:

1. Basic Movement:

  • Rover operates on a grid of arbitrary size that wraps North/South and East/West ("asteroids" style)
  • Accepts three commands:
    • Move (exclusively forwards)
    • Rotate (clockwise)
    • Rotate (counter-clockwise)

2. Autopilot:

  • a) Determine shortest path from any given grid coors to any other
  • b) Improve solution to include non-traversable terrain


  • Rover
    • immutable, should spawn a new bot rather than mutating itself when performing.
      • (Personally, I like to imagine it builds a new rover, then self-destructs)
  • World
    • Represented by a two-dimensional array (or, Seq[Seq[Terrain]])
    • Immutable
    • is always square
    • "inverted" Y axis (top is 0, bottom is $SIZE - 1); example grid coords when $SIZE == 4:
(0,0), (1,0), (2,0), (3,0)
(0,1), (1,1), (2,1), (3,1)
(0,2), (1,2), (2,2), (3,2)
(0,3), (1,3), (2,3), (3,3)
  • Navigation
    • for the MVP (maybe stretching the "V" in that acronym), just navigate in an "L" shape (wrapping around if required), then improve/implement more advanced navigator
  • Autopilot
    • Should "wrap" the Rover and Navigator to move the rover
    • Should "translate" a path of coordinates into rover-operations (rotating, progressing)

Implementation comments

I didn't feel like the implementation called for an advanced package structure, so everything is in a "flat hierarchy"; if we start hooking this up with a Main function/reading CLI args, I would reconsider.

    └── mostly
        ├── Compass.scala    // Models North/South/East/West + rotating between them
        ├── Navigation.scala // Models pathfinding (Navigator trait + impl)
        ├── package.scala    // Contains type aliases/minor utilities used throughout
        ├── Rover.scala      // Models the Rover (Rover trait + impl)
        ├── Terrain.scala    // The "contents" of the world, either a mountain: '▲', or an unobstructed tile: '.'
        └── World.scala      // A companion obj for the Seq[Seq[Terrain]] (aliased as World in package.scala) 

I ended up making an apply method for World - primarily to make testing easier, so I could parse Worlds from a string rather than creating Seq[Seq[Terrain]]s manually

For instance, a 3x3 world with mountains in NW and SW corners can be instantiated by:

val world = """|▲..
               |▲..""".stripMargin.toWorld // syntactic sugar for World(str: String)

, which I figured would make testing the Navigators easier.

Improvements Missing:

  • Thorough failure case testing/verifying error messages
    • Also cleaning up of failure handling (e.g. the "validateSuccessfulParse")
  • Thorough testing of Navigator, edge cases aren't covered / implemented
  • An obstacle-avoiding Navigator
  • An autopilot that actually moves the rover (rover + navigator is currently completely separate)
  • I realized while filling this in that it might've been cleaner/beneficial to consider the grid a graph rather than staying in the multidimensional "array" mindset


  • Scalatest