Functional Diversity and species distribution models

Primary LanguageR

Functional Diversity and species distribution models

Aim of the study


Description of main files

  • Bibliography.bib: Contains the bibliography in BibTeX format.

  • MS-Roth_et_al.Rmd: File that contains the title page of the manuscript inclding affiliations, abstract etc as well as different format-settings. This file should be run to produce the pdf of the mansuscript. When running this file it will also run MS-Content.Rmd.

  • MS-Roth_et_al.pdf: PDF with that manuscript produced when running MS-Roth_et_al.Rmd.

  • MS-Content.Rmd: Contains the main content of the manuscript. It will be sourced when running MS-Roth_et_al.Rmd.

Description of folders


This folder contains the pdf files of the figures presented in the manuscript. These are produced when kniting MS-Roth_et_al.Rmd.


Contains the follwong R files:

  • Data_processing.R: Collects the data from the BDM data-base and stores them as .RData files in the corresponding folder. It also prepares other data needed for the study.


This folder contains the following .RData files:

  • commat_Bi.RData:

  • commat_Bu.RData: