
Data and R-scripts to reproduce the results presented in the MS "The Sensitivity of hay meadow species diversity to nitrogen deposition".

Primary LanguageR

The Sensitivity of hay meadow species diversity to nitrogen deposition

This repository contains all the materials needed to reproduce the analyses in:

Roth, T., Bergamini, A., Kohli, L., Meier, E., Rihm, B. (in Prep): Sensitivity of hay meadows to Nitrogen deposition is mediated by soil properties. To be submitted to Science of The Total Environment.

Raw data for analyses are provided in the folder Data-Raw and the folder R contains the R-Script that was used to produce the reported figures and tables. The folder Appendix contains the R Markdown-files to produce the appendices. An R Markdown document is written in markdown (plain text format) and contains chunks of embedded R code to produce the figures and tables.

In the following we shortly describe the content of each folder of the repository:


R-Markdown-Files to produce the appendices.

Data-Original (excluded from public GitHub)

All data needed to prepare the data files with the raw data that is used for the analyses in the paper. The folder contains the following files:

Data-raw (not yet uploaded -==-> needs permission from data owner==)


Folder that contains figures with key results of the analyses. All the files in this folder are produced by one of the R-Skripts in folder R.


In this folder, the results of the applied models are temporarily stored as brms output.


Scripts to reproduce all results from the MS. The folder contains the following R-Skripts:

  • Analysis_main.R: R script to produce the main analyses as described in the paper including change-point analyses and SEM.