
Primary LanguagePython

Table of Contents

1. Setup

1.1. Clone repo

Clone the repo from GitHub:

git clone https://github.com/TobiasUhmann/power.git

Change into the directory. All the following commands are exptected to be run from within the project directory:

cd power/

1.2. Install Python packages

Make sure that you run Python 3.9. Also, it is recommended to create a separate Python environment. For example, create a local Anaconda environment:

conda create -p conda39/ python=3.9
conda activate conda39/

Install the Python packages, e.g. using pip:

pip install -r requirements.txt

To leverage CUDA support, install PyTorch as described on the official website (https://pytorch.org/).

1.3. Download AnyBURL

Download AnyBURL (http://web.informatik.uni-mannheim.de/AnyBURL/).

1.4. Install Neo4j

Install the Neo4j graph database (https://neo4j.com/download-center/) that is used to find groundings for the AnyBURL rules.

2. Obtain data

Download the IRT dataset (< link >). You can also download the intermediate and final data (< link >) produced by various experiments. The latter follow the directory structure that is assumed in the following sections:

            rules/                      AnyBURL Rules Dir
            facts.tsv                   AnyBURL Facts TSV             

            cde/                        IRT Split Dir (CoDEx)
            fb/                         IRT Split Dir (FB15K-237)
            cde-irt-5-marked/           IRT Text Dir (CoDEx graph, IRT sentences, 5 per entity, marked)
            cde-test-50.pkl             POWER Ruler PKL (CoDEx graph, test data, 50% known test triples)
            cde-irt-5-marked/           POWER Samples Dir (CoDEx graph, IRT sentences, 5 per entity, marked)
            cde-50/                     POWER Split Dir (CoDEx graph, 50% known valid/test triples)
            cde-irt-5-marked.pkl        POWER Texter PKL (CoDEx graph, IRT sentences, 5 per entity, marked)

3. Train and evaluate POWER

The following sections show how to train POWER on the CoDEx graph with 5 marked sentences per entitiy. CoDEx is chosen over Freebase because the available relation labels are better readable. Choosing Freebase or increasing the number of sentences improves performance.

3.1. Create Split

Create a POWER Split from an IRT Split:

python src/create_split.py \
  data/irt/split/cde/ \
  data/irt/text/cde-irt-5-marked/ \
  data/power/split/cde-50/ \
  --known 50

During evaluation, 50% of the validation and test facts will be known, respectively.

3.2. Build and evaluate ruler

First, create dataset for AnyBURL, run it. Resulting rules are then matched on train and valid facts. For that, those need to be loaded to Neo4j graph database that can be queried for rule groundings.

3.2.1. Create AnyBURL dataset

Create the AnyBURL Facts TSV that contains the POWER Split's train fact in the format expected by AnyBURL.

python src/create_anyburl_dataset.py \
  data/power/split/cde-50/ \

3.2.2. Mine rules

Create a rules/ directory next to the generated facts.tsv and put a config-learn.properties with the following content into it:

PATH_TRAINING  = ../facts.tsv
PATH_OUTPUT    = rules
SNAPSHOTS_AT   = 10,50,100

Run AnyBURL. If you have put the downloaded AnyBURL directory next to the power project directory, the invocation from within the rules directory looks like this:

java -cp ../../../../../AnyBURL/AnyBURL-RE.jar \
  de.unima.ki.anyburl.LearnReinforced \

AnyBURL will search the facts.tsv for rules and save the resulting rules in the rules/ directory.

3.2.3. Load graph into Neo4j

To be able to search for rule groundings, the graph has to be loaded into the Neo4j graph database.

Create and run a new Neo4j instance that it is available at localhost:7687 by the default user neo4j with the password 1234567890. For evaluation on the validation data copy entities.tsv, train_facts.tsv and valid_facts_known from the POWER Split Directory to the database's import directory and run the following command:

python src/load_neo4j_graph.py \
  bolt://localhost:7687 \
  neo4j \

You can subsequently explore the graph using the Cypher query language in the Cypher shell or in the Neo4j GUI Browser.

3.2.4. Prepare ruler

It would be very costly to process all learned rules during every single entity prediction. Therefore, the rules are processed once for all entities.

Copy the most comprehensive rules file created by AnyBURL from the AnyBURL Rules Directory to the POWER Ruler Directory:

cp data/anyburl/cde/rules/rules-100 data/power/ruler/cde-50/rules.tsv

Then, make sure that the previously created Neo4j instance is running and execute the following command:

python src/prepare_ruler.py \
  data/anyburl/cde/rules/rules-100 \
  bolt://localhost:7687 \
  neo4j \
  1234567890 \
  data/power/split/cde-50/ \

3.2.5. Evaluate ruler

Evaluate the ruler:

python src/eval_ruler.py \
  data/power/ruler/cde-50.pkl \

By default, the ruler is evaluated against both, the known and the unknown evaluation facts. If the known evaluation facts were included during rule mining, they must not be included in the evaluation (--filter-known)!

The results is the micro F1 score over the ground truth rules.

3.3. Train and evaluate Texter

The Texter is a classifier that is trained on the most common facts in the knowledge graph. The following sections show how to create the dataset, train the Texter and, finally, evaluate it. As the Texter is trained on the most common classes only, it cannot predict all facts, like the Ruler. It is therefore evaluated twice: Once against the facts it can predict (comparable to the validation during training) and once against all facts (comparable to the evaluation of the Ruler).

3.3.1. Create texter dataset

python src/create_texter_dataset.py \
  data/irt/split/cde/ \
  data/irt/text/cde-irt-5-marked/ \
  data/power/samples/cde-irt-5-marked/ \
  --class-count 100 \
  --sent-count 5

3.3.2. Train texter

Train the texter, e.g. on the 100 most common facts of the CoDEx graph with 5 marked sentences per entity.

python src/train_texter.py \
  data/power/samples/cde-irt-5-marked/ \
  100 \
  5 \
  data/power/split/cde-100/ \
  data/power/texter/cde-irt-5-marked.pkl \
  --epoch-count 2

Note: During training, the predicted facts are validated against the predictable facts.

3.3.3. Evaluate texter against predictable facts


3.3.4. Evaluate texter against all facts

python src/eval_ruler.py \
  data/power/texter/cde-irt-5-marked.pkl \
  5 \
  data/power/split/cde-0/ \

3.4. Evaluate POWER

python src/eval_ruler.py \
  data/power/ruler/cde-50.pkl \
  data/power/texter/cde-irt-5-marked.pkl \
  5 \
  data/power/split/cde-50/ \

4. Run the app

Run App: <run_app.py>

Go to localhost:...

Select valid entity and observe predicted facts with given rules and texts