Wink Link

WinkLink is an Oracle and simplifies the communication with blockchains. This initial implementation is intended for use and review by developers, and will go on to form the basis for WinkLink's decentralized oracle network. Further development of the WinkLink Node and WinkLink Network will happen here, if you are interested in contributing please contact us, email:


  1. Install MySQL (v5.7)

  2. Install Java

  3. Install NodeJS (>=10.0)

  4. Build

./gradlew clean build

Run node

After build successfully, node-{version}.jar will be generated in dir node/build/libs.

  1. Start MySQL first. Initializing the tables using the latest sql file in path node/src/main/resources/db/migration.

  2. Start the WinkLink node:

java -jar node-v1.0.jar --key 2>&1 &
// customize some configuration
java -jar node-v1.0.jar --server.port=8081 --key 2>&1 &


  • The file contain the private key that this node use. The format refer to: node/src/main/resouces/
  • The vrfKeyStore.yml file contain the private keys for VRF that this node use. The format refer to: node/src/main/resouces/vrfKeyStore-template.yml.
  • You can just put a new application.yml or application-{ENV}.yml in the working dir to replace the default spring config file.
  • There is a set of demo contracts deployed on nile network, the node will listen on nile when starting node with the command: --env dev

Project Structrue

WinkLink is is a monorepo containing several logicaly separatable and relatable projects.

  • tvm-contracts - smart contracts
  • v1.0/TronOracle.sol and v1.0/TronUser.sol are oracle contracts
  • v1.0/VRF are VRF contracts
  • node - the core WinkLink node
  • @node/webapp - the webapp for WinkLink node