
An efficient tool for solving Voltorb Flip puzzles

Primary LanguageRustGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Tool for solving Voltorb Flip puzzles (https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Voltorb_Flip).

Features so far:

  • First correct Voltorb Flip solver (Popular ones didn't even ask for the level :D).
  • Many different modes so you can choose your favorite strategy!
  • Can use any number of processor cores
  • Nice colorful graphic user interface, missclick-proof, worst you can do is restart the calculation
  • Recommends the best move(s), assuming perfect randomness (someone provided me with Nintendo's level generation algorithm)
  • Displays the actual chance of succeeding so you can get mad about how unfairly hard this game is
  • Also displays the chances of being a bomb/1/2/3 for each square when hovering over it

System requirements:

  • Tested on 209.885 puzzles sampled from the actual game
  • Needed 65 seconds and 5 GB RAM for the tuffest puzzle in the most demanding 'WinEight' mode (i7-8750H: 6 cores, hyperthreading)
  • That's extremely(!) rare though, usually solves puzzles within a few seconds and much less RAM, you'll be more than fine with 3 GB
  • You can always switch to another mode if it's taking too long
  • Even your oldest PC can handle the 'SurviveNextMove' mode


  • Click on buttons to advance their number by 1
  • Holding down a key while doing so advances to that number straight away
  • Program starts calculating automatically
  • Choose the yellow squares (=not a bomb, could be a 2 or 3 --> free coins)
  • If there are none wait for the dark blue ones (=highest chance to win, but possibly a bomb)
  • Grey means "useless" e.g. can't be a 2 or 3
  • Note that for some modes yellow/gray squares don't make sense and thus aren't displayed
  • The windows title tells you about ongoing calculations, whether the constraints are consistent and so on
  • Click on the left and right arrows to adjust the number of threads. More threads make it run faster but leave less for other programs. Reducing the priority in the task manager might be a good alternative though


  • Starts out with the first puzzle in examples.txt (extremely easy puzzle)
  • Entering the level is just as crucial as the other constraints!
  • If you don't know what you're doing I'd recommend the 'SurviveNextMove' mode, it's the default for a reason
  • Modes are described in the GUI of the program, if you understand the Voltorb Flip game mechanics you'll understand why each mode exists
  • Don't be scared to switch between modes anytime, the results of other modes are cached, the performance penalty is very small

Future Goals:

Download: https://github.com/Tobs40/rust-voltorb-flip-solver/releases/download/v0.2/rust_voltorb_flip.exe