
Arcade Game submission for the Z10 Game Jam 2018

Primary LanguageKotlin

💽 Pontrol - Arcade Game

🚧 Work in progress

My submission for the Z10 Game Jam 2018.
👍 A big thank you to Alex, for the organisation.


In the future, cyber war will be fought by hackers. You are responsible to keep the network clean and defend wrong data packages or viruses. Allow the yellow packages to pass the line and block the others with your cyber weapons.


Left mouse: Hack a network node and place a Block. Click to change its color. Select two Line nodes to connect them. Right mouse: Change the hacked node type.

Block: Block an incoming package with the same color
Transform: Changes the color of an incoming package.
Line: Used to build connections which transfer packages between two data lines. First build Line-1 and Line-2 and select them, to build a connection.