
🧔 All about Tobse 📷🎮 🦾🧭

Hi, I'm Tobse 🖖

🦄 Coding in heaven, for a sweeter world

I'm a developer from Karlsruhe in Germany and work for ITscope. I still solve many problems with Java, but as a Kotlin fanboy I held several talks to spread this K-Virus and the idea of clean & colorful software engineering. I'm happy to be a part of a great developer community where sharing is caring. We can do our work because others shared their knowledge on stackoverflow and wrote OpenSource libraries that we use to do our daily business. So let's do our best to also take this step and share code, designs, knowledge, tools or just our photos to help each other.

Apart from coding, I like climbing, geocaching, taking photographs, having board game evenings with friends and playing (and collecting) computer games. As corona limited a few outdoor hobbies, I also bought myself a 3D printer which I feed with plastic and construction plans. But spare time is limited because I'm a proud father who can't wait to explain the world to his kid.

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If you want to send me a smile and boost my work on the next side project, then just

Buy me a Donut (I don't like coffee 😉)

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🛠 What I use

Kotlin Java TypeScript Git Docker Spring Spring_Boot Vaadin MariaDB Gradle Junit5 Vue Vuetify Markdown Node npm

Stackshare 👈 Details

🖤 Tools I Love

Notion Windows Vivaldi IntelliJIDEA Notepad++ Slack

😎 Hobbies

📷 Photography / Design

Unspash Deviantart Designs

🦾 3D Printing

Thingiverse Makes Thingiverse Designs My Mini Factory Makes

🎮 Gaming

Itch.io IGDB My Games Launchbox BoardGameGeek

🧭 Outdoor


🗂 Projects

📋 Templates

Boostnote Markdown CheatSheet HelloMaven GitHub Plugin Registry Example Master Mind TDD

💿 Tools

Impf Bot My-PDF-Watermark StackOverflow Badge GitHub Repo Counter Clean Code Developer Journal i18n Formatter Intellij Plugin eTicket App Mockup Phrase App PropSort IntelliJ-Launcher SR Grid - Power Grabber Emoji-Font-to-SVG-Extractor

🎮 Games

Candy Crush Clone Hit Klack MagicMaze Island Exit Game Coding Challenge Hospital XSwing Plus ElkTest Game The Tree

🖌 Design

TopsyIcons Lück spare-part 3D model Microsoft Segoe UI Emoji SVGs Icons
