DAGBagM: Learning Directed Acyclic Graphs via Bootstrap Aggregation for Mixture of Continuous and Binary Variables



This repository contains 3 folders. 

contains the R package "dagbagM" for learning directed acycic graphs for mixture of continuous and binary variables

contains the R package "dagbag". The function dagbag::score_shd() is used for aggregating the DAGs learnt from bootstrap resamples

contains the R scripts for replicating the simulation results in the manuscript: "DAGBagM: Learning directed acyclic graphs of mixed variableswith an application to identify prognostic protein biomarkers inovarian cancer".


Install dagbagM



Install dagbag




hc: A function to learn a DAG model for the given data with no bootstrap resamples by the hill climbing algorithm for mixture of continuous and binary variables

dagbagM::hc(Y,nodeType, whiteList, blackList, tol, standardize, maxStep, restart, seed,  verbose)

hc_boot_parallel: A function to learn a DAG model for every bootstrap resmples of the given data by the hill climbing algorithm for mixture of continuous and binary variables

dagbagM::hc_boot_parallel(Y, node.type, n.boot, whiteList, blackList, maxStep, standardize, tol, restart, seed, nodeShuffle, numThread, verbose)

score_shd: A function to use structural hamming distance to aggregate DAGs. It aggregates an ensemble of DAGs to obtain a DAG that minimizes the overall distance to the ensemble.

score_shd(boot.adj, alpha, threshold, max.step, blacklist, whitelist, print)


Arguments for dagbagM::hc and dagbagM::hc_boot_parallel

Parameter Default Description
Y an n by p data matrix: n – sample size, p – number of variables
n.boot (only for hc_boot_parallel) 0 an integer: the number of bootstrap resamples of the data matrix Y
node.type a vector of length equal to the number of variables specifying the type of variable/node type: "c" for continuous and "b" for binary
maxStep 500 an integer: the maximum number of search steps of the hill climbing algorithm
standardize TRUE logical: whether to standardize the data to have mean zero and sd one
nodeShuffle (hc_boot_parallel) FALSE logical: whether to shuffle the order of the variables before DAG learning
restart 0 an integer: number of times to restart the search algorithm after a local optimal is achieved. The purpose is to search for global optimal
blacklist NULL a p by p 0-1 matrix: if the (i,j)th-entry is "1", then the edge i–>j will be excluded from the DAG during the search
whitelist NULL a p by p 0-1 matrix: if the (i,j)th-entry is "1", then the edge i–>j will always be included in the DAG during the search
tol 1e-06 a scalar: a number to indicate a threshold below which values will be treated as zero
numThread (only for hc_boot_parallel) an integer for running parallel computation of DAG learning from bootstrap resamples
verbose FALSE logical: whether print the step information

Arguments for dagbag::score_shd

Parameter Default Description
boot.adj A p by p by B array, where B is the number of DAGs to be aggregated. It records the adjacency matrices. It may be the output of the "score" function.
alpha 1 a positive scalar: alpha defines which member of the gSHD family should be used to aggregate the DAGs. In general, the larger the alpha, the more aggressive of the aggregation, in that less edges are retained leading to smaller FDR and less power
threshold 0 a scalar: it defines the frequency cut-off value, "0" corresponds to cut-off 0.5
max.step 500 an integer: the maximum number of search steps
blacklist NULL a p by p 0-1 matrix: if the (i,j)th-entry is "1", then the edge i–>j will be excluded from the DAG during the search
whitelist NULL a p by p 0-1 matrix: if the (i,j)th-entry is "1", then the edge i–>j will always be included in the DAG during the search
print FALSE logical: whether print the step information


Value for dagbagM::hc

a list of three components

Object Description
adjacency adjacency matrix of the learned DAG
score BIC score at each search step
operations a matrix recording the selected operation, addition, deletion or reversal of an edge, at each search step
deltaMin Minimum value of the score change at every step

Value for dagbagM::hc_boot_parallel

a list of three components

Object Description
adjacency adjacency matrix of the learned DAG

Value for dagbag::score_shd

a list of three components

Object Description
adj.matrix adjacency matrix of the learned DAG
final.step a number recording how many search steps are conducted before the procedure stops
movement a matrix recording the selected operation, addition, deletion or reversal of an edge, at each search step


(i) DAG learning by hill climbing for mixture of continuous and binary nodes: no bootstrap resample

Y.n=example$Y # data matrix 
true.dir=example$true.dir  #adjacency matrix of the data generating DAG
true.ske=example$true.ske  # skeleton graph of the data generating DAG

temp<- dagbagM::hc(Y=Y.n,nodeType=c(rep("c",p), "b), whiteList=NULL, blackList=NULL, tol = 1e-6, standardize=TRUE, maxStep = 1000, restart=10, seed = 1,  verbose = FALSE)

(ii) DAG learning by hill climbing for mixture of continuous and binary nodes: for bootstrap resamples

temp.boot<- dagbagM::hc_boot_parallel(Y=Y.n, n.boot=10, nodeType=c(rep("c",p),"b), whiteList=NULL, blackList=NULL, standardize=TRUE, tol = 1e-6, maxStep = 1000, restart=10, seed = 1,  nodeShuffle=TRUE, numThread = 2,verbose = FALSE)


(iii) Bootstrap aggregation of DAGs learnt from bootstrap resamples


temp.bag=dagbag::score_shd(boot.adj, alpha = 1, threshold=0) 


If you find small bugs, larger issues, or have suggestions, please email the maintainer at jiepeng108@gmail.com. Contributions (via pull requests or otherwise) are welcome.