Generically derive lenses for accessing fields of data types.
Available on Hackage
This package uses the GHC 8 Generic representation to derive various operations on data structures with a lens interface, including structural subtype relationship between records and positional indexing into arbitrary product types.
This is made possible by GHC-8's new Generics API, which provides the meta-data at the type-level (previously only value-level meta-data was available).
An example can be found in the examples
(The library makes heavy use of Visible Type Applications)
Record fields can be accessed by their label.
data Person = Person { name :: String, age :: Int } deriving (Show, Generic)
sally :: Person
sally = Person "Sally" 25
>>> getField @"age" sally
>>> setField @"age" 26 sally
Person { name = "Sally", age = 26 }
>>> sally ^. label @"name"
>>> sally & label @"name" .~ "Tamas"
Person { name = "Tamas", age = 25 }
Fields can be accessed by their position in the data structure (index starting at 1).
data Point = Point Int Int Int deriving (Show, Generic)
data Polygon = Polygon Point Point Point deriving (Show, Generic)
polygon :: Polygon
polygon = Polygon (Point 1 5 3) (Point 2 4 2) (Point 5 7 (-2))
>>> getFieldAt @2 polygon
Point 2 4 2
>>> setFieldAt @1 (Point 26 5 3) polygon
Polygon (Point 26 5 3) (Point 2 4 2) (Point 5 7 (-2))
>>> polygon ^. itemAt @1 . itemAt @2
>>> polygon & itemAt @3 . itemAt @2 %~ (+10)
Polygon (Point 1 5 3) (Point 2 4 2) (Point 5 17 (-2))
Since tuples are an instance of Generic, positional lenses can be used with them.
>>> (("hello", True), 5) ^. itemAt @1 . itemAt @2
A record is a (structural) `subtype' of another, if its fields are a superset of those of the other.
data Human = Human
{ name :: String
, age :: Int
, address :: String
} deriving (Generic, Show)
data Animal = Animal
{ name :: String
, age :: Int
} deriving (Generic, Show)
human :: Human
human = Human { name = "Tunyasz", age = 50, address = "London" }
>>> upcast human :: Animal
Animal {name = "Tunyasz", age = 50}
-- 'smash' plug the smaller structure into the larger one
>>> smash (Animal "dog" 10) human
Human {name = "dog", age = 10, address = "London"}
-- 'super' is a lens that focuses on a subrecord of a larger record:
>>> human ^. super @Animal
Animal {name = "Tunyasz", age = 50}
We can apply a function that operates on a supertype to the larger (subtype) structure, by focusing on the supertype first:
growUp :: Animal -> Animal
growUp (Animal name age) = Animal name (age + 50)
>>> human & super @Animal %~ growUp
Human {name = "Tunyasz", age = 60, address = "London"}