NOTE: This is a pared down version of the original RPS dataset created by Julien de la Bruère-Terreault, hosted at It contains 900 images instead of the original 2188 images so that it can be used with the Firebase Spark plan.
The information from the original README file follows:
AUTHOR: Julien de la Bruère-Terreault (
DESCRIPTION: This dataset contains images of hand gestures from the Rock-Paper-Scissors game. The images were captured as part of a hobby project where I developped a Rock-Paper-Scissors game using computer vision and machine learning on the Raspberry Pi (
CONTENTS: The dataset contains a total of 2188 images corresponding to the 'Rock' (726 images), 'Paper' (710 images) and 'Scissors' (752 images) hand gestures of the Rock-Paper-Scissors game. All image are taken on a green background with relatively consistent ligithing and white balance.
FORMAT: All images are RGB images of 300 pixels wide by 200 pixels high in .png format. The images are separated in three sub-folders named 'rock', 'paper' and 'scissors' according to their respective class.