Pig Dice

A game of luck and bravery

By Todd Walraven and Isaac Garnand


This Application pits two players against each other to see who can roll a total that adds up to 100. But heres the catch, if they roll a 1, the sum of their current rolls is set to 0 and their turn is up. The first to 100 is the winner

Setup/Installation Requirements

Through Web Browser

  • Download this respository from GitHub
  • Navigate to project directory
  • Double click index.html

Through Terminal

  • Open terminal
  • Navigate to desktop
  • Use git clone command to download reposity
  • Change directory into Pig-dice
  • Use command open index.html

If using windows machine user must install Git Bash or similar application to be able to clone the repository from GitHub

Known Bugs

Application doesn't end unless page is reset

Support and contact details

Have any questions/suggestions Email us at cod4247@yahoo.com


Behaviour Input Outputs
user clicks 'play' play:click displays game page
user's clicks 'hold', ending their turn hold:click turn switches to other player
user clicks 'roll', generates random number 1-6 roll:click 4
user clicks 'roll' again, appends another roll roll:click 4,5
user can't hold until they roll hold:click(hidden) (button is hidden)
user clicks 'hold', after rolling , hides roll button for player who rolled hold:click roll: hidden
user clicks 'hold', after rolling, adds turn total to score and hides roll button hold:click 4 + 5, total +9 hold: hidden
user clicks 'hold', add score, turn end, current rolls cleared hold:click Current rolls: " "
user rolls 1, turn total changed to 0 roll:click total + 0
user rolls 1, turn total changed to 0, hides roll button roll:click total + 0, turn ends
user score >= 100 score:100 shows 'winner!' element

Technologies Used

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Bootstrap
  • JavaScript
  • JQuery
  • VSCode


This Application is licensed under the GPL license

Copyright (c) 2020 Todd Walraven, Isaac Garnand