
Primary LanguageJavaScript


Create a Digital Tamagotchi, 10 February 2020

By Todd Walraven & Geoff Goetz


This application has the user create a tamagotchi and take care of them. As time goes on, the tamagotchi gains levels and grows older. If the user neglects their tamagotchi, it can sick, or worst of all die while desperatley rummaging through trash for food.

Setup/Installation Requirements

  • First, clone this repository to your desktop by navigating to the desktop in the Terminal ("cd desktop") and then entering "git clone https://github.com/Pieharder/tamagotchi".
  • Once the directory is cloned to your desktop, open the directory in the Terminal ("cd tamagotchi").
  • After that open the directory in Visual Studio Code by entering the command "code ." in the Terminal.
  • Open index.html in a browser of your choice to view the project. (Google Chrome is recomended)

Project Specifications

Behavior Input Output
person creates tamagotchi name creates tamagotchi object with sleep huunger age properties
tamagotchi hunger ticks downover time hunger level 100 :game tick: hunger level 85
tamagotchi has a sleep level that ticks down over time sleep 100 :game tick: sleep level 80
tamagotchi has sickness functionality that black the ability to feedand must be cured with medicine tamagotchi is sick :feed medicine: tamagotchi is cured
hunger level hits 0 tamagotchi dies hunger level: 0 your tamagotchi has died. it was found rummaging through trash heaps, searching desperatley for food.

Technologies Used

  • HTML

  • Bootstrap

  • CSS

  • Git

  • JavaScript

  • jQuery

  • Node Package Manager (npm)

  • Webpack


This software is licensed under the MIT license

Copyright (c) 2020 Todd Walraven, Geoff Goetz