tldraw physics

This repo demonstrates a simple physics integration with tldraw. It uses Rapier, a rust-based physics engine compiled to WASM



yarn install
yarn dev

Multiplayer is supported* using yjs and partykit. To deploy:

yarn deploy

*Note that this is a terrible way to do multiplayer and there is no handling for multiple clients with overlapping physics sims. It's essentially the same as a single client manually moving many shapes each frame. If you find it's stalling on "Connecting..." you can disable multipayer by commenting out line 22 in App.tsx (store={store}). PRs for multiplayer fixes are very welcome!


  1. Select shapes you wish to include in the physics simulation
  2. Click the "Physics" button
  3. Watch it go brrrrrrrrrr!
  4. Click "Physics" again to stop the simulation


Currently, only GeoShapes and DrawShapes are supported. Physical properties are determined by the shape's props. The following are supported:

  • Black: Static Collider
  • All other colors: Rigidbody with gravity

Special Props

  • Grey: Zero gravity
  • Blue: Zero friction (i.e. ice)
  • Orange: High restitution coefficient (i.e. bouncy rubber)
  • Violet: character controller (move with arrow keys) - only works with oval shape for now

Groups You can group shapes to create compound rigidbodies. Physical properties will still work, so you can create shapes which are part ice and part rubber, for example.

Notes and Gotchas

  • All geo shapes are treated as convex hulls
  • Draw shapes use a very crude compound collider approach, where each vertex is turned into a sphere
  • There is no edge to the world, so rigidbodies will fall forever

Known Issues

  • Simulation speed is not always consistent
  • Multiplayer hangs on connecting sometimes, for some browsers (Safari/Firefox)
  • There's a bug with groups where the physics geometry doesn't match the tldraw geometry


Please open an issue or PR if you have any suggestions or improvements! Especially looking for:

  • Architecture improvements (the current implementation is... not great to say the least)
  • Better multiplayer support (There is a bug which stalls on "Connecting..." )
  • Proper compound collider generation for DrawShapes (e.g. using a series of rectangles instead of spheres)
  • Bugfixes!!