
A process to generate a mapping of LINEARID to fully expanded name using the TIGER feature name relationship files.

Primary LanguageShell

This is some code I have used to come up with fully expanded road names from the U.S. Census Bureau TIGER files. The basic process is:

  • Download feature name relationship files from the Census Bureau
  • Extract them to postgres load files
  • De-duplicate the data
  • Load into a postgres database
  • Run queries that buid up the fully expanded name from individual parts

The result is a mapping of LINEARID to expanded road name. I used this to run an UPDATE query on the database behind the OSM-US TIGER name overlay tiles so that we could render full name.

To use these scripts, you will need a postgres database available for use. Then execute the extract_files.bash command in the directory that you have all the TIGER files downloaded to. Then execute the .sql files against the postgres database in this order:

  • create_and_load.sql
  • load_tiger_codes.sql
  • expand_names.sql