
Play a C++ puzzle text adventure (?), defeat monsters at compiletime and runtime, and return the Magic Mirror!

Primary LanguageC++The UnlicenseUnlicense


Play a C++ puzzle text adventure (?), defeat monsters at compiletime and runtime, and return the Magic Mirror!

How to play

Copy the contents of Magic-Mirror.cpp into your IDE or a website like https://godbolt.org/z/fWvbaraG4, uncomment the comments inside main and get the code to compile and run. You can use C++14 and above. The code does not compile in C++11.

I don't get it, the code doesn't do anything

Correct. The point is to find a way to get at the more or less hidden types required to progress.

Step 1 is to uncomment auto training_sword = and find a way to get it. The solution is auto training_sword = Town::Blacksmith::steal_Training_Sword(Town::Blacksmith::Back_Entrance{});.
Step 2 is to steal the Wooden_Shield.
Step 3 is to call Ruins::Dire_Wolf::slay_wolf with your equipment to get the Ruin_Entrance. Continue until you return the magic_lamp (for now).

I'm stuck! Help!

You are probably missing some more or less obscure C++ feature. Some of the following might help: https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/list_initialization

I did it! Where do I post my solution?

Congratulations! Please don't. Puzzles are no fun when the solution is spoiled.


Thanks to easyaspi314 for pointing out some unintended loopholes.
Thanks to RD for inspiring the Polymorph.
Thanks to melak47 for suggesting the Skeleton Key and hardening comply. Thanks to marttyfication for reminding me of the String issues. Also for keeping me from being racist.
Thanks to NotAPenguin for breaking the Dragon Layer until it split into 2.
Thanks to SlyBach for inspiring the polymorph spell decoy.
Thanks to Arne Mertz for writing about the passkey idiom that inspired this game.