Horizontally 'stitching' two videos such that the output video appears to be 'panoramic' using Key Point Detection, Feature Extraction and Feature Matching
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How to stitch two real time videos together? Where are the changes supposed to be done?
#8 opened by snehdpat - 0
vertically stitch videos issue
#7 opened by nileshnarwade - 1
video output seens to be partial blue
#4 opened by bnblzq - 1
Error in ImageSequenceClip
#3 opened by Smartgalpj - 0
Can you use one camera to shoot video in two positions and then stitch them together?
#5 opened by 8410ttt - 0
Vertical stitching
#2 opened by Wazaki-Ou - 0
Is there any video sample?
#1 opened by lukesonglu