SeisCL is a program to perform seismic modeling, full waveform inversion and reverse time migration. Modeling is performed with finite-difference in the time-domain, and can be either 3D or 2D, isotropic acoustic, elastic or viscoelastic. SeisCL can be run either on GPUs with CUDA or OpenCL, or CPUs with OpenCL. Model decomposition and shot parallelization allows using multiple GPUs/nodes. Although written is C/CUDA/OpenCL, a python interface (Python 3) is provided for implementing the inversion/imaging workflows.
Cite this publication if you use this software:
Fabien-Ouellet, G., Gloaguen, E., & Giroux, B. (2016). Time-domain seismic modeling in viscoelastic media for full waveform inversion on heterogeneous computing platforms with OpenCL. Computers & Geosciences.
You should clone this repository
git clone
Two options are provided to install the software.
This method only works with Nvidia GPUs, and is restricted to a single node execution. However, multi-GPU domain decomposition is supported.
You first need to install Docker Engine, following the instructions here. Because SeisCL uses GPUs, you also need to install the Nvidia docker. For the later to work, Nvidia drivers should be installed. Then, when in SeisCL repository, build the docker image as follows:
docker build -t seiscl:v0
You can then directly use the python interface to launch SeisCL.
To obtain all features (multi-node, CUDA and OpenCL, GPUs and CPUs), you need to compile from source. There are several prerequisites:
- HDF5, for input and ouput files. On Unix systems, the easiest way is to install with a package manager (yum, apt-get). On a cluster, it should be already available.
- Option 1: CUDA. Install CUDA if SeisCL will be mainly used on NVidia GPUs (most likely case). It is faster than OpenCL and supports SeisCL FP16 modes, which are more or less 2x faster than conventional mode.
- Option 2: OpenCL. This option is slightly slower on Nvidia GPUs for large models, but faster for smaller models (because of faster JIT compilation). It also supports Intel and AMD CPUs and GPUs. To install OpenCL on Linux, see this very good tutorial.
- (Optional) An MPI Library, either OpenMPI or MPICH. If working on a cluster, this should already be installed!
A Makefile is provided, which may need to be modified for your specific system. To compile, just run:
cd src;
make all
echo "export PATH=$(pwd):\$PATH" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
The last line is needed because SeisCL_MPI must be on PATH for the Python interface to work properly.
Several options can be passed to make to compile different flavors of SeisCL:
- api -- Use api=cuda to build SeisCL with Cuda instead of OpenCL
- nompi -- Use nompi=1 to compile without MPI support.
- H5LIB -- Use option to set the path to hdf5 libraries (
- H5LIB -- Use this option to set the path to hdf5 headers.
- H5CC -- Define as the desired compiler, even if the h5cc wrapper is found.
For example, to compile with Cuda, without MPI support with gcc:
make all api=cuda nompi=1 H5CC=gcc
Finally, to install the python wrapper to your python environment, you can use pip in the root directory of the repo
pip install .
Several tests can be found in ./tests, wihtin two scripts:
-, which test that model decomposition, floating point precision options and gradient calculation are accurate and working,
-, which contains comparison with different analytical solutions. For the moment, we have analytical solutions for a 3D and 2D homogenous (visco)elastic unbounded space and 3D and 2D solutions for an elastic half-space (Lamb and Garvins's problem). See those solutions in tests/analytical.
To test for all analytical solutions with plots:
cd tests
python --plot=1
To perform all consistency tests:
Test scripts are a good start to understand how to use the python interface to SeisCL.