
A Spring service using Spring Security configured as a resource server that can authorize JWTs

Primary LanguageJava

Spring Security + JWT tutorial project

This repository contains a Spring boot application using Spring Security configured as a resource server which demonstrates the handling of JWTs with different type of claims.

This repository is part of a tutorial that i wrote Spring Security + JWTs getting started.

General info

  • Java 17
  • Maven 3

Test JWTs

All JWTs below can be used against the service with different results. All tokens are generated from http://jwt.io using the private key jwtRS256.rsa.key and jwtRS256.rsa.pem. All JWTs have the same header, what differs is in the body. Below is an example of the decoded JWT. All encoded JWTs in this file is based of the de-encoded one below with small differences. We use the jwtRS256.pkcs8.pem public key to verify the signature in our spring application.

You can check these differences if you do a get request with one of the tokens against the http://localhost:8080/token endpoint, and it will return the token that the service has parsed in a slightly more readable format (principal).

If you want to use the Role based JWTs you need to start the service with the profile "roles" enabled. See the application.yml in the src/main/resources/ folder

Example decoded jwt

JOSE Header:

  "alg": "RS256",
  "typ": "JWT"

JWT body:

  "iss": "http://foobar.com",
  "sub": "foo",
  "aud": "foobar",
  "name": "Mr Foo Bar",
  "scope": "read",
  "iat": 1516239022,
  "exp": 2500000000

Scope based JWTs

This token contains a scope claim with the authority read, can be used on the /read endpoint.


While this token has both read and write scope, so it can be used on both the /read and /write endpoint.


Role based JWTs

To use the role based JWT you need to run the application with the profile roles activated. You can set this in the application.yml.

JWT token with no scope, but authorities

This token has a custom claim called authorities which contains the authority user. It can be used on the /user endpoint.


JWT token with no scope but multiple values in authorities

This token contains a custom claim called authorities which contains 2 authorities, space separated, user admin which means it can be used on both the /user endpoint but also the /admin endpoint.


No authority JWT

This token contains no scope or authority claim. So it can only be used on the /token endpoint.
