SM JSON Schemas

This repo is dedicated to housing json schemas of scrap mechanic json files
For those who dont know json schemas are just documentation for jsons wich have all their properties and types documented

How to use

  1. Have a json language server
  2. At the root of the json add a "$schema" property with the value of the url to the raw json file Like this
  "$schema": ""

TODO Descriptions:


  • ragdoll config Harverstable:
  • size description RotationSet:
  • 'prop' description SubMesh:
  • 'custom' & 'idx' description ShapeSet:
  • blockList: 'friction' & 'qualityLevel' description
  • partList: 'density', 'characterShape', 'itemStack', 'carryItem', 'simpleInteractive', 'survivalSpring', 'restitution', 'harvestablePart', 'baseUuid', 'preview'
  • where is spotLight used (capital L)