
Website Deployed!:



At Playlist Curator, we believe that every song tells a story, and every story has an audience. Through advanced artificial intelligence, we're not just curating playlists; we're orchestrating symphonies of connections.

How to use Playlist Curator

  1. Run the app
  • Run through the website
  • Run locally (check below for the instructions)
  1. Authenticate
  • Playlist curator needs your Spotify authentication to run the necessary processes (Spotify API processes)
  1. Explore the page
  • Compare your playlists with your friends
  • Find playlists that are similar to your tastes
  • Create your new playlists

How to run locally:

  1. Clone the repo git clone
  2. Download the required libraries npm install
    • If this does not work you will have to npm install {library} for all the required libraries listed as an error
  3. Run the app npm run dev
  4. Open the app link in your browser [ctrl + click]


  • Addy Chen (DevOps)
  • Hajin Park (ML Modelling)
  • Patrick Park (Frontend)
  • Albert Ho (Frontend)


  1. make an account/ login to playlist curator
  2. login to spotify
  3. store metadata from spotify
  4. grab playlist and songs