
A lightweight mocking framework for swift projects.

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


Mirage is a lightweight mocking framework for swift projects.


Using Mirage you can:

  • create mocks, stubs, partial mocks
  • verify call times
  • get call arguments history


Requires Swift 4.0


Add this line into your Podfile under a test target and run pod update

pod 'Mirage'

Podfile example

target 'MainTarget' do
  target 'TestTarget' do
    inherit! :search_paths
    pod 'Mirage'

Source files

Copy /Mirage folder into your test target.


Check Example project for details.

Try Fata Morgana for mocks generation.


A Mock is an object which mimics the behaviour of a real object and records functions' calls.

Class mock

To create a class mock (ex. FirstService):

  1. Create a new Mock class inhereted from the original
class MockService: FirstService
  1. Implement Mock protocol
class MockService: FirstService, Mock

First of all add a MockManager variable. It is recommended to add it like a lazy var.

First argument of MockManager(...) should always be self. Self is not stored anywhere and in fact is used inside init(...) only to get info whether an instance is a mock or a partial mock.

Second argument is a closure which is responsible for calling real implementation of mocked functions. This closure is called with thenCallRealFunc() stubs or with partial mocks.

lazy var mockManager: MockManager = MockManager(self, callRealFuncClosure: { [weak self] (funcName, args) -> Any? in
    guard let __self = self else { return nil }
    return __self.callRealFunc(funcName, args)
  1. Override all funcs which should to be mocked. New implementation should call mockManager.handle(...) for call registration. Arguments are:
  • func string identifier
  • default return value (nil for void functions) to return if no stub found
  • incoming args
return mockManager.handle(sel_performCalculation, withDefaultReturnValue: 0, withArgs: arg1, arg2) as! Int

The best pratice for defining sel_performCalculation is to use func name + first args if there are overloads like func foo(_ a:Double) and func foo(_ a:Int). Anyway you can pass here any string you wish.

DO NOT FORGET! to use passed func identifier in callRealFuncClosure of MockManager and call super.function(...)


class MockFirstService: FirstService, Mock {
    lazy var mockManager: MockManager = MockManager(self, callRealFuncClosure: { [weak self] (funcName, args) -> Any? in
        guard let __self = self else { return nil }
        return __self.callRealFunc(funcName, args)
    fileprivate func callRealFunc(_ funcName:String, _ args:[Any?]?) -> Any? {
        switch funcName {
        case sel_performCalculation:
            return super.performCalculation(arg1: args![0] as! Int, arg2: args![1] as! Int)
            return nil
    //MARK: - mocked calls
    let sel_performCalculation = "performCalculation(arg1:arg2:)"
    override func performCalculation(arg1:Int, arg2: Int) -> Int {
        return mockManager.handle(sel_performCalculation, withDefaultReturnValue: 0, withArgs: arg1, arg2) as! Int

Protocol mock

This case is even simpler. Steps are totally the same as creating a class mock except for calling real func implementation.


SecondService is just a protocol.

class MockSecondService: SecondService, Mock {
    lazy var mockManager: MockManager = MockManager(self, callRealFuncClosure: { [weak self] (funcName, args) -> Any? in
        guard let __self = self else { return nil }
        return nil
    //MARK: - mocked calls
    let sel_makeRandomPositiveInt = "makeRandomPositiveInt()"
    func makeRandomPositiveInt() -> Int {
        return mockManager.handle(sel_makeRandomPositiveInt, withDefaultReturnValue: 4, withArgs: nil) as! Int
    let sel_foo = "foo()"
    func foo() {
        mockManager.handle(sel_foo, withDefaultReturnValue: nil, withArgs: nil)


Function stubbing allows to change the behavour of a function according to testing needs. To create a stub, call mock function when(...), passing the identifier of a stubbed function.

Then call one of the following:

  • thenReturn(_ result: Any) to return exact value as a result
  • thenDo(_ closure: @escaping (_ args: [Any?]) -> Void) to perform some action
  • thenDo(_ closure: @escaping (_ args: [Any?]) -> Any?) to return a result of action
  • thenDoNothing() to do... well... nothing)))
  • thenCallReal() to call real implementation of this function

This thenSmth calls can be chained to return one result for first call and another for next calls.


var triggered = false
mockFirstService.when(mockFirstService.sel_performCalculation).thenDo({ _ -> Any? in
    triggered = true
    return -100


Partial mocks

A Partial mock is smth between a real object and a mock.

  • Functions' calls and their args are recorded.
  • Functions automatically call real implementation (real object behaviour).
  • Any function can be stubbed to return test-needed value or to get alternative behavour.

There are discussions whether partial mock is a pattern or an anti-pattern, whether you therefore should use them or not.

Mirage allows you to create a partial mock with one line of code. It's up to you - to use or not to use.

To create a partial mock, create a mock subclass, implementing PartialMock protocol.

class PartialMockFirstService: MockFirstService, PartialMock { }


There are several verification modes:

  • Never
  • Once
  • AtLeast
  • AtMost
  • Times for exact number of times verify(...) throws WrongCallTimesError if actual call times do not match verification mode.

Use XCTAssertNoThrow(try ...) with verify call

XCTAssertNoThrow(try mockFirstService.verify(mockFirstService.sel_performCalculation, Once()))
XCTAssertNoThrow(try mockSecondService.verify(mockSecondService.sel_makeRandomPositiveInt, Times(2)))
XCTAssertNoThrow(try mockSecondService.verify(mockSecondService.sel_foo, Never()))


You can get arguments of any call from history using argsOf(...) function. It returns an array of arguments for this call or nil. So the best pratice is to use guard and XCTFail around argsOf(...).

guard let args = mockFirstService.argsOf(mockFirstService.sel_performCalculation) else { XCTFail(); return }
guard let arg1 = args[0] as? Int else { XCTFail(); return }
guard let arg2 = args[1] as? Int else { XCTFail(); return }


Mirage is available under MIT License.