
A simple module to aid in the creation of command line interfaces

Primary LanguageLua


A simple module to aid in the creation of command line interfaces


I was bored one day with nothing to do so I randomly decided to port Linux's mv command to windows using luvi as window's equivalent move does not support all the things mv does.
But instead of parsing command-line arguments manually I decided to make a library to help me do it and the advantage is that this library should work for any project I may have in the future + help others build their own programs.
My mv port is hosted here


This module was originally intended for luvi so installing it from lit is incredibly easy.

lit install TohruMKDM/lit-cli

I have added support for PUC Lua and LuaJIT so you can also just clone the repository to use this library on those platforms

git clone https://github.com/TohruMKDM/lit-cli.git


-- main.lua
-- Require the library
local cli = require('cli')

-- Create new program object named 'example' and set it's description
local program = cli.program:init('example')
    :setDescription('This is an example program.')
-- Create a new argument named 'path' and add it to the program
local path = cli.argument:init('path')
    :setDescription('The path to the file')
-- Create a new option named 'silent', set it's short option and add it to the program
local silent = cli.option:init('silent')
    :setDescription('If set then the operation will be done silently')

-- Create the handler function
local function handler(prog, arguments, options)
    -- prog: The program object this handler belongs to.
    -- arguments: The parsed arguments
    -- options: The parsed options
    p('arguments', arguments)
    p('options', options)

-- Handle command line arguments
return program:handler()

We are going to assume this is your main.lua file and you built your program using luvi ./ -o example.exe
example test

'arguments'    {path = 'test'}
'options'      {}

example test --silent

'arguments'    {path = 'test'}
'options'      {silent = true}

example test -s results in the same output\n example

Error: argument 'path' is required'
You can run 'example --help' if you need some help


I'll finish this later.