
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Weather App This weather app project is part of The Odin Project and aims to display weather information using an API connection with JavaScript asynchronous logic.

Project Overview The Weather App is designed to:

Fetch weather data using a weather API (weatherapi.com). Display the current weather information for a given location. Provide a user-friendly interface to input a location and view weather details. Technologies Used JavaScript: Utilized for the app's functionality and handling asynchronous requests. HTML/CSS: Provides the structure and styling of the app. API Integration: Connection to a weather API to gather weather data. Project Structure index.html: Contains the structure and layout of the app. style.css: Manages the visual appearance and layout of the app. app.js: Handles the logic for fetching data from the weather API and updating the UI. Usage To use the Weather App:

Clone the repository or download the project files. Open the index.html file in a web browser. Enter the desired location in the provided input field. View the weather information displayed on the screen. API Integration The app integrates with a weather API to retrieve the necessary weather data. To make it work, you'll need to sign up for an API key and insert it into the code where indicated.

Please note: This README file may be updated to include more detailed information and instructions.