
Our Landing page

Primary LanguageCSS

Tok3n Landing Page



git clone http://github.com/Tok3n/landing && cd tok3n
echo "RACK_ENV=development" >> .env
bundle install
npm install -g nodemon
npm install

Using locally

This will run the app on localhost:5000 and watch all compass files.

foreman start -f Procfile.dev


Remember to configure the following (only if heroku app is new!):

heroku config:set BUILDPACK_URL=https://github.com/heroku/heroku-buildpack-nodejs
heroku ps:scale web=2
heroku config:set NEW_RELIC_LICENSE_KEY=yourlicensekey


  • Check when newrelic for node is stable release
  • Add https, config dns and stuff
  • Do mobile
  • Make a/b tests
  • Integrate Google Analytics
  • Contact and about pages
  • Uglify blade js
  • Make a nice pre-deploy minification of css possibly with a Rake file