
Ödero IOS ve Android ödeme SDK larını içerir

Primary LanguageKotlin

OderoPay Payment SDK

1. Overview

The OderoPay SDK is a software development kit that allows developers to integrate payment functionality into their applications.
With this SDK, users can securely and easily make payments within the app.

The OderoPay SDK is compatible with Android SDK 21 ad above.

2. Support

OderoPay supports Visa, Visa Electron, MasterCard, Maestro and American Express card associations.

OderoPay supports following payment: Single Card, Multiple Cards

OderoPay supports 3DS Secure Payment

OderoPay supports Card Storage feature

3. Getting Started

3.1 Installation

To get started with the SDK, follow these steps:

1. Add the Artifactory repository to your project's build.gradle file:

maven {
    url "token-artifactory-url"
    credentials {
        username = "token-username"
        password = "token-password"

Make sure to replace token-artifactory-url, token-username, and token-password with the actual values provided to you.

2. Add the SDK dependency to your app's build.gradle file:

implementation 'com.token:oderopay:1.0.0'

3. Sync your project with Gradle to download the SDK and its dependencies.

4. SDK Initialization

To initialize the SDK, add the following code in your Application class or activity or fragment:

try {

} catch (SDKAlreadyInitializedException e) {
    Log.e(TAG, "SDKAlreadyInitialized: " + e.getMessage());

5. Usage

5.1 Init Service

The init service is used to initialize the OderoPay SDK with the payment token obtained from our backend. You should call this function before calling the startPayment() function.

5.1.1 Example

To obtain the initialization token required for starting the SDK, you should make a request to the initialization service provided by our backend. Once you have obtained the initialization token, you can pass it to the startPayment() function to initialize the OderoPay SDK.

val call = repository.requestInitToken(
        paymentGroup = "PRODUCT",
        callbackUrl = "NO_CALLBACK_URL",
        paidPrice = 100,
        price = 100,
        conversationId = "conversationid", //ForMultiPayment
        currency = "TRY",//Currency
        cardUserKey = "card-user-key", //For StoredCard Feature
        items = listOf(
            Item("Product", 100)
data class InitResponse(
    val data : TokenInfo
data class TokenInfo(
    var token : String, // Start SDK with this token
    var pageUrl:String

5.2 Start Payment

The startPayment() function is used to start the payment process in the OderoPay SDK. You should call this function when the user initiates a payment in your application.

5.2.1 Function Parameters

The startPayment() function takes the following parameters:

  • token: the token required to initiate the payment process.
  • applicationContext: the application context of the calling activity
  • listener: an instance of OderoPayResultListener to receive callbacks from the SDK
5.2.2 Example

Here's an example of how to use the startPayment() function in your application:

val token = "your-payment-token"

    token = token,
    applicationContext = applicationContext,
    listener = object : OderoPayResultListener {
        override fun onOderoPaySuccess(result: OderoResult) {
            // Handle successful payment

        override fun onOderoPayCancelled() {
            // Handle cancelled payment

        override fun onOderoPayFailure(errorId: Int, errorMsg: String?) {
            // Handle payment failure

6. Handling Exception

The SDK provides the following exception classes that you can use to handle errors in your application:


This exception is thrown when you try to initialize the SDK more than once. It indicates that the SDK has already been initialized and further attempts to initialize it are unnecessary.


This exception is thrown when the SDK receives invalid input from your application. It indicates that the input provided to the SDK is incorrect and needs to be corrected before proceeding.


This exception is thrown when you try to use the SDK before it has been initialized. It indicates that the SDK has not yet been properly set up and cannot be used until it has been initialized.

7. Customization Interfaces

    fun startPayment(token : String, applicationContext: Context, listener : OderoPayResultListener)
    fun isInitialized() : Boolean
    fun changeToWebView(isWebView: Boolean)
    fun setDefaultResultScreens(value: Boolean)
    fun forceLanguage(language: Languages)
    fun setStrokeWidthAndColor(width: Float,color :Int)
    fun setSize(width: Int, height: Int)
    fun setRoundness(radius: Float)

8. Environments

The Environment enum is used to specify the environment that the OderoPay SDK should be initialized with. You can choose between the following environments:

  • SANDBOX_TR: the sandbox environment for Turkey
  • SANDBOX_AZ: the sandbox environment for Azerbaijan
  • PROD_TR: the production environment for Turkey
  • PROD_AZ: the production environment for Azerbaijan

9. Proguard

If you're using ProGuard, add the following rules to your ProGuard configuration file to ensure that the SDK works correctly:

-keep class com.token.oderopay.** { *; }


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