The Web Is Made Of HTML

Before we start diving into Javascript, we need to first understand something called HTML. The goal of this topic is to teach programming through Javascript. To do that, we need to understand a bit about one of the most common uses for Javascript: making websites more dynamic.What is a website though? Websites are just a collection of text files containing HTML. The next few lessons will cover just enough HTML to get you started with Javascript, but is by no means a comprehensive course. If, you feel you already understand HTML and CSS feel free to skip this section.

On the other hand, if HTML is a new word for you continue forth my friend!


HTML is the basic language that websites are built in. This means that everything you've ever seen on the web eventually makes it's way through HTML. You can see HTML all around you in fact. For example, if you just right click on this browser window, and then select "View Page Source" you'll be whisked away to the magical land of HTML.

View Source

Much of that will look like gobbledy-gook right now. That's fine right now. While the goal of this course is not to become an HTML expert, we will teach you enough HTML to be a bit dangerous. Once you understand HTML, After taking a few lessons on HTML though, parts will start to reveal themselves.