
This plugin presents an app-tracking authorization request to the user and provides the tracking authorization status for UE4.

Primary LanguageC++

App Tracking Transparency Dialog Plugin

This plugin presents the app-tracking authorization request dialog and get the tracking authorization status.

This is a plugin for Unreal Engine 4.

Marketplace url


Must be built with Xcode 12 and the iOS 14 SDK or later and C++ project(Not Blueprint project).

You Must to follow the steps below.

  1. Install this plugin by Epic Games Launcher. 4000
  2. Copy this plugin ("EpicGames/UE_4.26/Engine/Plugins/Marketplace/ATTPR") to your project plugins folder("Your_project_folder/Plugins").
  3. Uninstall this plugin by Epic Games Launcher. 40104020
  4. Open your project(Must be C++ project) and build for iOS on UE4.

Must be running on iOS 14.5 or later.

How to built on mac.

  1. Must be enrolled in the Apple Developer Program.

  2. Download and install the latest version Xcode on your Mac.

  3. Register your App to the Apple Developer site.

  4. Create the mobile provisioning file.

  5. The mobile provisioning file download and install on your Mac.

  6. If you have multiple versions of Xcode installed, must select the Xcode 12 or later.
    You see the selected Xcode version: 'Xcode > Preferences... > Locations > Command Line Tools' from the Xcode menu.

  7. Update the project settings of your game on UE4.
    Project > Packaging: Decide whether to select 'For Distribution'

    Platforms > iOS: Slecet 'Mobile Provision' and set 'Bundle Information'.

  8. To build the project, select 'File> Package Project> iOS' from the menu.

You see which the version of Xcode building the project in the output logs following.

ATHelper: Packaging (iOS):   Compiling with non-standard Xcode (xcode-select): /Applications/Xcode12.4.app/Contents/Developer/
UATHelper: Packaging (iOS):   Compiling with iPhoneOS SDK 14.4

If you got the following error

ERROR: Unable to instantiate module 'ATTPR': System.FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format.

If you already installed command line tools, please try to comment out the following code. The xcrun installation path may not be "/usr/bin".


// string SDKVersionString = Utils.RunLocalProcessAndReturnStdOut("/usr/bin/xcrun", "--sdk iphoneos --show-sdk-version");  
// float SDKVersion = float.Parse(SDKVersionString);
// if(SDKVersion >= 14f)

Supported Development Platforms

  • Windows
  • Mac

Supported Target Build Platforms

  • iOS

The behaviour on the platforms below is the tracking authorization status is always "Not Determind" and the App Tracking Transparency Dialog is not presented.

  • Win64
  • Mac
  • Android

Blueprint Example

・"GetTrackingAuthorizationStatus" is gets the current status of the app-tracking authorization.

See also: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/apptrackingtransparency/attrackingmanager/3547038-trackingauthorizationstatus

・"RequestTrackingAuthorization" is presents the app-tracking authorization request dialog only the first time.

See also: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/apptrackingtransparency/attrackingmanager/3547037-requesttrackingauthorization


・You can customize the dialog message text.


How to execute the example project

The example project is under the "AttPermissionRequest" folder in this GitHub repository.

Put the "ATTPR" plugin into the plugins folder ("AttPermissionRequest/Plugins/ATTPR").

Enable this plugin.


"Mobile Provision" and "Bundle Identifier" must be set for builds for iOS.
(Project Settings > Platforms > iOS)


・Call "RequestTrackingAuthorizationResult" then presents the app-tracking authorization request dialog on iOS 14.5 or later.(Does not present the dialog on other platforms.)


Return value of the AuthorizationStatus: