
Java Telegram User Bot: A versatile, customizable Telegram bot handling YouTube links, custom commands, text animation, and image text recognition. Get started easily with API credentials. #TelegramBot #JavaDev

Primary LanguageJava

Java Telegram User Bot

This Java Telegram User Bot is a versatile and customizable bot designed for use with the Telegram messaging platform. It offers features like responding to specific commands, handling YouTube video links, animating text, and more.

Getting Started

  1. Obtain API Credentials: To use this bot, you'll need to obtain your API credentials (API ID and API Hash) from my.telegram.org. Replace these values in the config.properties file.

  2. Install Dependencies: This bot relies on the TDLib library for Telegram API communication. You can find TDLib installation instructions here.

  3. Compile and Run: Compile and run the Bot.java file in your Java environment. The bot will initialize and connect to Telegram.


  • YouTube Link Handling: The bot can process YouTube links and send video messages.
  • Custom Commands: Customize commands to perform various actions within your chat.
  • Text Animation: Animate text by sending messages starting with '$'.
  • Text Recognition: Get text of the image (only ENG).


  • To stop the bot, send the /stop command (only allowed for administrators) in telegram.
  • To animate text, start your message with '$' in telegram.
  • To download youtube videos, just paste link in telegram.
  • To get text of the image,send text "check" with replay to wanted image


  • API credentials (API ID and API Hash), phone number, and user/administrator IDs can be configured in the config.properties file.


Contributions to this project are welcome! Feel free to submit issues, pull requests, or feature suggestions.


  • This bot uses the TDLib library for Telegram API communication.

Disclaimer: Please use this bot responsibly and in compliance with Telegram's terms of service and guidelines.