
⭐ | CPG-Plugin-Template

Plugin template for CPG.

📝 | Creating module

Modules can be used for products, perhaps you are selling a game server, and when they purchase the product you want to create a server. Modules make this possible and easier.

General setup

You'll need to listen on invoice_paid so you can fetch products ids and check if they have the respective module_name. If a product has your module_name you can proceed to check if they have the matching attributes in modules to generate whatever you need in that process.

Example file

const BuildDir = process.cwd() + "/build";
// @ts-ignore
import type { ILoggingTypes } from "@cpg/Interfaces/Logging.interface";
// @ts-ignore
import type mainEvent from "@cpg/Events/Main.event";
// @ts-ignore
import type { server } from "@cpg/Server/Server"; 
// @ts-ignore
import type cs from "@cpg/Database/Models/Customers/Customer.model";
// @ts-ignore
import type pm from "@cpg/Database/Models/Products.model";
// @ts-ignore
import type { sendEmail as sE } from "@cpg/Email/Send"
import config from "../config.json";

export = async function main()
    const Logger = (await import(`${BuildDir}/Lib/Logger`)).default as ILoggingTypes;
    const MainEvent = (await import(`${BuildDir}/Events/Main.event`)).default as typeof mainEvent;
    const Server = (await import(`${BuildDir}/Server/Server`)).server as typeof server;
    const sendEmail = (await import(`${BuildDir}/Email/Send`)).sendEmail as typeof sE;
    const CustomerModel = (await import(`${BuildDir}/Database/Models/Customers/Customer.model`)).default as typeof cs;
    const ProductModel = (await import(`${BuildDir}/Database/Models/Products.model`)).default as typeof pm;
    Logger.info(`Starting ${config.name} plugin with version ${config.version}.`);

    const module_name = "cpg-plugin-emails";
    const module_attr = {
        header_text: "Header text file for product",

    Server.get(`/modules/${module_name}`, (req, res) =>

    MainEvent.on(`invoice_paid`, async (invoice) =>
        const customer = await CustomerModel.findOne({ $or: [
            { uid: invoice.customer_uid },
            { id: invoice.customer_uid }
        ] });
        // find all products in the invoice.items..product_id
        const products = await ProductModel.find({ id: { $in: invoice.items.map(i => i.product_id) } });
        Logger.debug(`Found ${products.length} products in invoice.`);
        // Check if any of the products has module.
        // Filter them
        const mProducts = products.filter(p => p.module_name.includes(module_name));
        Logger.debug(`Found ${mProducts.length} products with module.`);
        if(mProducts.length <= 0)

        mProducts.forEach(p =>
            // Get header_text from p.modules
            const header_text = p.modules.find(m => m.name === "header_text");
            Logger.debug(`Found header_text: ${header_text.value}`);
                receiver: customer?.personal.email,
                subject: `Product specific email`,
                body: {
                    body: `<h1>${header_text.value}</h1>`,

📝 | Custom payment methods

If you want to create your own payment method for CPG there is a way. This might be useful if your plugin has a third party payment gateway that isn't added to CPG officialy yet.

⚙ | Setup

First of come up with a uniqe payment_method name. This name will be used when proceeding on orders/place.

Setup | Plugin

Now you need to create some methods to make this work, and import correct files to ensure it goes through without issues. You might also need to create custom routes, but we won't go through on this.

const BuildDir = process.cwd() + "/build";
// @ts-ignore
import type { ce_orders as ce_orders_type } from "@cpg/Lib/Orders/PlaceOrder";
// @ts-ignore
import type { A_CC_Payments as A_CC_Payments_type } from "@cpg/Types/PaymentMethod";

export = async function main()
    const ce_orders = (await import(`${BuildDir}/Lib/Orders/PlaceOrder`)).ce_orders as typeof ce_orders_type;
    const A_CC_Payments = (await import(`${BuildDir}/Types/PaymentMethod`)).A_CC_Payments as typeof A_CC_Payments_type;

    const payment_method_name = "steam" as const;

    // @ts-ignore
    ce_orders.set(payment_method_name, (order, invoice, req, res, next) =>
        // Handle order/invoice

Setup | API

Once a name has been decided, proceed to add it in payment_methods (v3/configs/payment_methods) in the API. This will ensure is accepted on checking and won't fail.

📢 | Contribute

Want to contribute? Great! You can contribute by forking this repository, then make changes and make a PR!

Or simple ask on our discord server.

🔮 | Discord


⚙ | Tolfix

Tolfix is a company focusing about IT, Development and Networking, we drive to help others with their problems when it comes to IT and love contributing to others. Want to find more information about us you can visit us at https://tolfix.com/.