
Title: Parenting Practice Co


  1. Technologies-Used
  2. Description
  3. Deploy
  4. Usage
  5. License
  6. Credits
  7. Questions
  8. Roles


  1. Javascript
  2. Node.js
  3. Node packages
    • MySQL
    • connect-session-sequelize
    • express-session
    • handlebars
    • dotenv
    • bcrypt
    • express
    • mysql2
    • sequelize
  4. MySQL Database
  5. Heroku / JawsDB (Database)
  6. Twilio


  • Created web application for a real client who is a pediatric sleep specialist. Our client was overwhelmed with using multiple applications to interact with her clients. We have solved her problems by creating one site that collects user data on a daily bases from her clients. Now she and her clients can use one platform to do a lot more.

Deployed application link



  • When user goes to the webpage with given link, they will be greeted by homepage with short bio of our client.

  • If the user would like to be a customer, they will have to create an account.

  • As soon as account is created, they will be asked information about themselves and their child.

  • They will have an access to their profile.

  • User will have a sleep chart page that they will have to fill out daily.

  • User is able to delete a sleep chart if they made mistakes.

  • Also, users will be sent a daily text message at 8pm to remind them to log on to their page and fill out the daily sleep chart.

Home Page


  • License: MIT


  • Created by Tolga Secme, Morgan Franke, Robert Koch, Nathan Forgille.


  1. E-mails:
  1. Github pages:
  1. Linkedin:

Beginning story

  • Description: We are using Rob’s wife as our client, and building her a new website that solves some of her business challenges.
  • MVP: A polished website that increases her visibility online. A new client can create a new account. When creating a new account the client will be given a form to fill out that is a questionare based on the childrens needs. Each client has a sleep log that they fill out daily for our client to access the information easily.
  • reach goals: Schedule reminders based on baby sleep cycle


  • PM: Morgan

  • Github Guru: Tolga

  • Presentation Guru: Nathan

  • Readme: Tolga

  • Front End: Nathan and Rob nad Tolga

  • Back End: Morgan, Tolga and Rob