- Javascript
- Node.js
- Node packages
- connect-session-sequelize
- express-session
- handlebars
- dotenv
- bcrypt
- express
- mysql2
- sequelize
- MySQL Database
- Heroku / JawsDB (Database)
- Twilio
- Created web application for a real client who is a pediatric sleep specialist. Our client was overwhelmed with using multiple applications to interact with her clients. We have solved her problems by creating one site that collects user data on a daily bases from her clients. Now she and her clients can use one platform to do a lot more.
When user goes to the webpage with given link, they will be greeted by homepage with short bio of our client.
If the user would like to be a customer, they will have to create an account.
As soon as account is created, they will be asked information about themselves and their child.
They will have an access to their profile.
User will have a sleep chart page that they will have to fill out daily.
User is able to delete a sleep chart if they made mistakes.
Also, users will be sent a daily text message at 8pm to remind them to log on to their page and fill out the daily sleep chart.
- Created by Tolga Secme, Morgan Franke, Robert Koch, Nathan Forgille.
- E-mails:
- Github pages:
- Linkedin:
- Description: We are using Rob’s wife as our client, and building her a new website that solves some of her business challenges.
- MVP: A polished website that increases her visibility online. A new client can create a new account. When creating a new account the client will be given a form to fill out that is a questionare based on the childrens needs. Each client has a sleep log that they fill out daily for our client to access the information easily.
- reach goals: Schedule reminders based on baby sleep cycle
PM: Morgan
Github Guru: Tolga
Presentation Guru: Nathan
Readme: Tolga
Front End: Nathan and Rob nad Tolga
Back End: Morgan, Tolga and Rob