
Comp 302 Software Engineering - Term Project (team Hackermen)

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Bricking Bad

Comp302 Software Engineering - Team Project

This is the term project of the course "Comp 302 Software Engineering" in Fall 2019 semester.

It is a highly modified version of the classic brick breaker game written with Java.

It was awarded as one of the 6 best projects at the end of the semester (Outstanding Team Work Award).

Team Members

Hakan Şahin - @hakansahin17

Tolga Sümer - @tolgino

Murat Erdoğan - @muraterdogan17

Berk Bingöl - @berkbingol

Oğuz Bayhun - @obayhun

Eren Ege Özol - @eozol17