
Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) ControlPoint library for Java

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


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Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) ControlPoint library for Java.


  • Pure Java implementation.
  • Available in both Java application and Android apps.
  • Easy to use
  • High response

Of course, this also can be used from kotlin.


  • Java SE 7 or later
  • Android API Level 15 (Android 4.0.3) or later

As you know, Android Studio (2.2 or later) supports Java 8 development. But it is NOT fully support. Several statements depend on the API level. For example, try-with-resource statement requires API level 19. Therefore, this library restricts the use of such statement.


  • This library support only ControlPoint functions. There is no way to make Device. If you need it, please select another library.
  • Some functions that are not widely used are not implemented.
    • Multicast eventing

Example of use

Android App

Sample App

How to use

You can download this library from jCenter. (since Ver.1.7.0)

repositories {

Add dependencies, as following.

dependencies {
    compile 'net.mm2d:mmupnp:1.7.1'

Initialize and Start

ControlPoint cp = new ControlPoint();
// adding listener if necessary.

If you want to specify the network interface, describe the following.

NetworkInterface ni = NetworkInterface.getByName("eth0");
ControlPoint cp = new ControlPoint(ni);

By default ControlPoint will work with dual stack of IPv4 and IPv6. If you want to operate with IPv4 only, specify the protocol as follows.

ControlPoint cp = new ControlPoint(Protocol.IP_V4_ONLY);


Call ControlPoint#search() or ControlPoint#search(String).

cp.search();                   // Default ST is ssdp:all
cp.search("upnp:rootdevice"); // To use specific ST. In this case "upnp:rootdevice"

These methods send one M-SEARCH packet to all interfaces.

Invoke Action

For example, to invoke "Browse" (ContentDirectory) action...

Device mediaServer = cp.getDevice(UDN);           // get device by UDN
Action browse = mediaServer.findAction("Browse"); // find "Browse" action
Map<String, String> arg = new HashMap<>();        // setup arguments
arg.put("ObjectID", "0");
arg.put("BrowseFlag", "BrowseDirectChildren");
arg.put("Filter", "*");
arg.put("StartingIndex", "0");
arg.put("RequestedCount", "0");
arg.put("SortCriteria", "");
Map<String, String> result = browse.invoke(arg);  // invoke action
String resultXml = result.get("Result");          // get result

Event Subscription

For example, to subscribe ContentDirectory's events...

// add listener to receive event
cp.addNotifyEventListener(new NotifyEventListener(){
  public void onNotifyEvent(Service service, long seq, String variable, String value) {
Device mediaServer = cp.getDevice(UDN);          // get device by UDN
Service cds = mediaServer.findServiceById(
  "urn:upnp-org:serviceId:ContentDirectory");    // find Service by ID
cds.subscribe(); // Start subscribe
cds.unsubscribe(); // End subscribe

Stop and Terminate


It is not possible to re-initialize. When you want to reset, try again from the constructor call.

Debug log output

This library use useful library for log output, If you want to see debug log. write as follows.

Log.initialize(true, true);


I described Javadoc comments. Please refer to it for more information.


大前 良介 (OHMAE Ryosuke) http://www.mm2d.net/


MIT License