
A Symfony 2 bundle to utilise a WordPress database. Useful if you want to use the WordPress back-end but do the front-end yourself.

Primary LanguagePHP


A Symfony 2 bundle to utilise a WordPress database. Useful if you want to use the WordPress back-end but do the front-end yourself.

To Install

Add to composer dependacies. "repositories": [ ... { "type": "git", "url": "https://github.com/Tom-Davidson/Symfony2-WPBlogBundle.git" } ... ], "require": { ... "tomdavidson/wpblogbundle": "master@dev" ... }

To app/AppKernel.php include another bundle in the registerBundles() $bundes[]: new TomDavidson\WPBlogBundle\TomDavidsonWPBlogBundle(),

To app/config/routing.yml add the routing info: TomDavidsonWPBlogBundle: resource: "@TomDavidsonWPBlogBundle/Controller/" type: annotation prefix: /blog