
Changes needed to get the EFK tutorial to work


  • Version 2.0 of the dashboard does not work properly with Kubernetes 1.26 and 1.25
  • kubectl apply -f


  • Only Kubernetes 1.25 or 1.26 available; ElasticSearch 7.9.0 not compatible with both of them
  • Running version 8.X costs to mouch resources and caused the pods to restart periodically. Needed to go back to 7.X
  • First with Kubernetes 1.25 or 1.26 compatible version is 7.17.X
  • helm install elasticsearch elastic/elasticsearch --version="7.17.3" -f values-linode.yaml


  • Same as with ElasticSearch
  • Current 8.X Kibana requires authentication
  • helm install kibana elastic/kibana --version="7.17.3"


  • helm install fluentd bitnami/fluentd --version="2.0.1" does not work
  • Lowest Chart Version 5.1.11 with fluentd 1.14.6 or current Chart Version 5.8.2 with fluentd 1.16.1 available in repo
  • fluentd-forwarder-cm is now splitted to fluentd-inputs.conf, fluentd-output.conf, fluentd.conf, metrics.conf. The provided sample yaml files override at least the metrics output.
  • Even with format json i do get pattern not matched warnings and no formatted output. I think is it caused of the change of Kubernetes 1.25 and 1.26 to containerd runtime. Processing with fluentd-config-containerd-crio-runtimes.yaml works.
  • The elastic client of fluentd 1.16.1 is not compatible with ElasticSearch 7.17.3 neither is fluentd 1.14.6
  • As of bitnami/charts#10539
    • helm repo add bitnami-pre-2022
    • helm install fluentd bitnami-pre-2022/fluentd --version="2.0.1"

Kibana UI

  • Creating index patterns dialog looks a little bit different in version 7.17.3