
MagicMirror² module which implements horizontal and vertical "scrolling" through profiles of MMM-ProfileSwitcher

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This module is based on the MMM-page-indicator (https://github.com/edward-shen/MMM-page-indicator) so first of all a big thanks to edward-shen.

The aim of this module is to provide a possibility to organize profiles into horizontal areas (like pages) and vertical ones (i.e. to set an profile within MMM-CalenderExt). It is possible to set the current vertical index or horizontal index by notifications. Additionally you can only decrement or increment these values with notifications.

If you like the module displays an indicator of the pages and and/or an indicator of the current profile. The icons which are displayed can be overridden by configuration options (all free Font-Awesome icons are supported).

Additionally configureable notifications can be send each time a specific profile is selected.

This module is an add-on to MMM-ProfileSwitcher (https://github.com/tosti007/MMM-ProfileSwitcher). Follow the README of the module and install it first.


alt text

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cd ~/MagicMirror/modules
git clone https://github.com/Tom-Hirschberger/MMM-ProfileControl.git
cd MMM-ProfileControl
npm install


To use the module insert it in the config.js file. Here is an example:

		module: 'MMM-ProfileControl',
		position: 'bottom_bar',
		config: {
			profiles: [
				['pageOneEveryone', 'pageOneBirthdays'],
				['pageTwoEveryone', 'pageTwoFamily', 'pageTwoLadies']

			horizontalActiveIcon: 'fa-eye',

			notifications: {
				'pageOneEveryone' : [
						notification: 'HEY_THERE',
						payload: {
							nobody: 'will react'
						notification: 'HEY_THERE2',

This results contains two pages. The first one contains "pageOneEveryone" and "pageOneBirthdays" The second "pageTwoEveryone", "pageTwoFamily" and "pageTwoLadies"

Each time the profile "pageOneEvery" is selected the notifications "HEY_THERE" and "HEY_THERE2" will be send.

Attention: Do not use profiles twice in the configuration!!!

Option Description Type Default
profiles The profiles which should be switched An array of arrays [[]]
showHorizontalIndicator If true an page indicator will be displayed boolean true
showVerticalIndicator If true an profile on page indicator will be displayed boolean true
showSeparator If true the separator icon will be added between horizontal and vertical indictor boolean true
startAgainAtHorizontalEnd If true the pages start again at the start if the end is reached; If false the display will stay on the last page boolean true
startAgainAtVerticalEnd If true the profiles will be rotated like the pages boolean true
notifications An map containing arrays of notifications that will be send each time the profile with the given key is send Map {}
horizontalActiveIcon The name of the icon class of the current active page String 'fa-circle'
horizontalInactiveIcon The name of the icon class of the current inactive pages String 'fa-circle-thin'
verticalActiveIcon The name of the icon class of the current active profile String 'fa-circle'
verticalInactiveIcon The name of the icon class of the current inactive profiles String 'fa-circle-thin'
separatorIcon The name of the icon class of the separator of horizontal and vertical icons String 'fa-bullseye'
iconPrefix The prefix of classes all icons get attached. Attention there needs to be a space character at the end String 'indicator fa '
noChangeDuringScreensave Do not change profiles during screensave; this is necessary for all persons using hide/show to realize screen blanking boolean false

Supported Notifications

Notification Payload Description
PROFILE_SET_HORIZONTAL The horizontal index The number of the page to select (starting with 0)
PROFILE_SET_VERTICAL The vertical index The number of the profile on the current page to select (starting with 0)
PROFILE_INCREMENT_VERTICAL nothing Increment the profile number by one; if the end is already reached it will stay on this profile (or if configured start at 0)
PROFILE_DECREMENT_VERTICAL nothing Decrement the profile number by one; if the beginning is already reached it will stay on this profile (or if configured start at the end)
PROFILE_INCREMENT_HORIZONTAL nothing Increment the page number by one; if the end is already reached it will stay on this page (or if configured start at 0)
PROFILE_DECREMENT_HORIZONTAL nothing Decrement the page number by one; if the beginning is already reached it will stay on this page (or if oconfigured start at the end)
CHANGED_PROFILE from and to this notification is send by MMM-ProfileSwitcher if the profile is changed; you can change the profile with any other module, too. Use the CURRENT_PROFILE notification as described in the documenation of MMM-ProfileSwitcher for this. The module then sends this CHANGED_PROFILE notifcation and we update the indicator
SCREENSAVE_ENABLED nothing This notification is send of the MMM-Screen-Powersave-Notification module if screensave mode is enabled
SCREENSAVE_DISABLED nothing This notification is send of the MMM-Screen-Powersave-Notification module if screensave mode is disabled