Grafana custom css

As Grafana does not provide any way to make the background of embedded panels transparent or change any style i wrote a small script that patches the "index.html" of Grafana to include a custom css file if a specific theme is active. The script registers as a system service and checks the file at each reboot. This way even if the Grafana file is overriden during a update the patch will be activated after the next reboot.

⚠️ Even it the patch process is automated it is a ugly hack. It might work with future versions but it might not!

The script is tested with the following scenario:

  • Grafana 9.2.5 on Ubuntu 22.04 and Raspberry OS (Bullseye 32Bit)
  • Grafana directory is /usr/share/grafana (can be changed with command line option)


Clone the repository to the home directory of your user:

cd $HOME
git clone
cd grafana-custom-css

Register the service and do the inital patch:

sudo ./ -r

Restart the Grafana service:

sudo systemctl restart grafana-server.service


If want to make sure that the patch worked you can take a look to the output of the service script (exit with q):

sudo systemctl status grafana-custom-css.service

or into its journal (exit with :q):

sudo journalctl -u grafana-custom-css.service

Grafana panel embedding

The default setting of the script is to patch the light theme. So if this theme is active the background of the panels will be transparent!

Make sure that the embedding url looks something like:


and contains the part:


Uninstalling the patch

If you are unhappy with the patch and want it to be removed run the following commands:

cd $HOME/grafana-custom-css
sudo ./ -u