
A simple script that calls vlc to convert a rtsp stream to mjpeg stream

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


A simple script that calls vlc to convert a rtsp stream to mjpeg stream. The script can be registered as system service to be started automatically.

The script has been tested on Raspberry OS Bullseye 32bit with state 2022-11-16.


The script needs the vlc media player be installed on your system. On Raspberry OS or any other Debian based system you can install it with:

sudo apt -y update && sudo apt -y install vlc

You can call the script with the following options:

-u USERNAME If the source stream is protected you can provide the username with this option
-p PASSWORD If the source stream is protected you can provide the password with this option
-a ADDRESS The ip address or hostname of the source stream
-P PORT The port the source stream is provided at
-s STREAM The stream part of the source stream. If i.e. your stream url is "rtsp://localhost:3000/unicast" the stream part is "unicast"
-t TARGET_PORT The port the mjpeg stream should be provided at. Best is to choose a port higher than 1024 as you need root privileges otherwhise

System service

You can use the provided rtsp2mjpeg.service file to register a system service that will be started during boot.

This instructions assume that you cloned the repository to the home directory of the "pi" user. So the source path is "/home/pi/vlc-rtsp2mjpeg-wrapper". If you saved the repository to a different location you need to change the paths to your needs.

Copy the service file to the system location:

sudo cp /home/pi/vlc-rtsp2mjpeg-wrapper/rtsp2mjpeg.service /etc/systemd/system/rtsp2mjpeg.service

You then need to configure the options in "rtsp2mjpeg.service" at the new location to your needs:

sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/rtsp2mjpeg.service

If you want to convert more than one stream you need to copy the service file again with a different name:

sudo cp /home/pi/vlc-rtsp2mjpeg-wrapper/rtsp2mjpeg.service /etc/systemd/system/rtsp2mjpeg2.service

In the next step the script will be enabled and started:

sudo systemctl enable rtsp2mjpeg.service
sudo systemctl start rtsp2mjpeg.service

If you configured a second one repeat this step with the second name!

You then can access the new stream with the browser of your choice under: