Convert any Amstrad CPC dump file format to other format
Usage : SugarConvDsk source [destination] [-s=side] [-second=path][-o=outputformat] [-r] [-f=filter] or SugarConvDsk -cat=user [-sort] [-l] [-c] source
If -cat option is not used, SugarConvDsk will perform a format conversion.
-s=side : Select side of the disk to convert.
Side can be 1 or 2
If omitted, both side are written (if relevant for the format)
-second=path : the 2nd side is replaced by the dump source specified in 'path'
-o=outputformat : Select output format. Can take the following values:
EDSK : Extended Dsk format
HFE : HFE format
IPF : IPF format
SCP : Supercard Pro format
If this parameter is not used, default output format is EDSK
source : The source file can be in the following format :
CTRAW : CT-RAW format
DSK : Dsk format
EDSK : Extended Dsk format
HFE : HFE format
IPF : IPF format
SCP : Supercard Pro format
KRYOFLUX : Kryoflux RAW file format
If the source file is a directory : In this case, every files in the given directory are converted to the 'output' directory
destination : output file. If source file is a directory, destination is used as an output directory
-r : If the source file is a directory, convert recursively the given directory.
-f=filter : If the source file is a directory, set a filter for the files to convert.
Example : SugarConvDsk d:\dump d:\result -o=IPF -r -f=[CPC]*.dsk
This will convert to IPF every file of the form "[CPC]*.dsk", from directory d:\result, and subdirectories.
Result files will be saved in the d:\result directory.
If -cat option is used, SugarConvDsk will display the content of the diskn, and will not do a convertion.
In this case, destination and conversion flags are ignored.
-cat=user : This option will print the disk content, based on the USER specified. If ALLUSERS is used, all users will be displayed.
If used, this option will prevent a convertion.
-sort : This flag will wort the files in alphabetical order.
-l : Add flags H for hidden files, and R for read-only files. List isdisplayed with one file per line.
-c : Display file on the same line, separated with semicolumn
This tool mainly convert any format into an internal format, then write it back to the specified one. Internal format is bases on MFM, with some specific attributes for every bit, which can be weak or optional. The internal format is also not revolution-dependant : If a dump use more than one revolution, to keep track of weak sector for example, a specific algorithm will rebuild a single track from these revolutions, adding the attributes needed to describe everything. Also, an error correction is done, to avoid being fooled by reading error.
This tool can be compiled on various system. Known working targets are :
- Windows : Both x64 and x86
- Ubuntu
The tool use CMake as makefile generator, and zLib as an external library. Also, a modern compiler is required as it use some C++17 features (through experimental/filesystem for gcc7.2 and Visual 2017 15.6).
The code is a result of various and extended experimentation, so it may looks like a bit messy (as I tried to make it works before making it right)