
MIGSAA Project 2 - Langevin Monte Carlo Algorithms

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An overview of Langevin Monte Carlo Algorithms

Repository for MIGSAA (http://www.maxwell.ac.uk/migsaa/people) Taster Project 2

Written by M. Puza, T. Hodgson, M. Holden, B. Han

Interactive visualization of LMC Algorithms


  • A full report on the topic can be find in this repository as a pdf file.


Implementation of the following LMC algorithms, together with various tools for analysis of their error can be found in this repository (langevin.py). References can be found in the report. The main purpose of our project is to estimate the errors made by all of these sampling methods.


Dependencies: numpy, scipy, KDEpy, matplotlib, pickle (To install missing dependencies pip install KDEpy, etc)

Obtaining samples

To obtain samples only without performing any analysis, one can use the following template:

  s = Sampler(potential="double_well", dimension=2, x0=np.array([0,0]), step=0.1)
  samples = s.get_samples(algorithm="ULA", burn_in=0, n_chains=1, n_samples=1e2, measuring_points=None, timer=None)

Note: For rejection based algorithms, this will contain duplicate values at the event of rejection. To calculate the acceptance rate, it suffices to:

  acceptance_rate = len(set(map(tuple, samples)))/len(samples)


To perform analysis, first, create an Evaluator object.

d = 1 # dimension
e = Evaluator(potential="double_well", dimension=d, x0=np.array([0]+[0]*(d-1)), burn_in=2, N=1000, N_sim=2, step=0.05, \
              N_chains=2, measuring_points=None, timer=None, gaussian_sigma=None, temperature=0.1)

The available parameters are:

  • potential: currently one of 'gaussian', 'double_well', 'Ginzburg_Landau'.
  • dimension: integer.
  • x0: the starting point for the chains.
  • burn_in: integer, the first burn_in samples in each chain will be discarded.
  • N: integer, the number of samples in each chain.
  • N_sim: integer, the number of simulations.
  • step: float, the step size.
  • N_chains: integer, the number of chains to be run in each simulation.
  • measuring_points: for thinning the chain. When omitted, all of the samples from a chain will be preserved. Otherwise describes the indices of the samples to preserve from each chain (after burn_in). For example, setting this to [9, 10], with burn_in=5 and N_chains=10 will result in running 10 chains, taking from each the 15th and 16th (Python is zero-indexed) sample.
  • timer: float; rather than a fixed number of samples in each chain, one may choose to allocate to each chain a fixed computing time. This parameter sets the computing time in seconds.
  • gaussian_sigma: numpy array; if the potential is Gaussian, sets its variance to diag(gaussian_sigma).
  • temperature: scales the potential by a factor of 1/temperature (by default 1)

Next, you may perform analysis in a single line.

e.analysis(algorithms=["ULA", "tULA", "RWM"], measure='total_variation', bins=40)

The parameters here are:

  • algorithms: a subset of ['ULA', 'tULA', 'tULAc', 'MALA', 'tMALA', 'RWM', 'LM', 'tHOLA', 'tLM', 'tLMc']
  • measure: a measure of choice. These are described below.
  • bins: the number of bins in each dimension (for histogram-based measures).

and the result is:

When running analysis, however, the numerical results are not stored. To store the numerical results, one may run an experiment.

  exp_name = 'Experiments/my_little_experiment'
  e.run_experiment(file_path=exp_name, algorithm='ULA', measure='total_variation', bins=10)

This saves the experiment results to file linked in exp_name. One may read the experiment results in the future with the following piece of code:

my_little_experiment = pickle.load(open( exp_name, 'rb' ))
for k, v in my_little_experiment.items():
   print(k, ':', v)

which will print:

algorithm : ULA
measure : total_variation
bins : 10
potential : double_well
dimension : 3
x0 : [0 0 0]
step : 0.05
N : 1000
burn_in : 2
N_sim : 2
timer : None
N_chains : 2
results : [[0.2543805177875392, 0.2345092390242109]]

Measures of error (parameter measure)

Closer description of the measures can be found in the report.

  • Trace (trace)

    • Note: Assumes d = 2. Produces a trace plot.
  • Trace (scatter)

    • Note: Assumes d = 2. Produces a scatter plot.
  • Histogram (histogram)

    • Note: Assumes d = 1. Produces a histogram plot.
  • First moment (first_moment)

    • Note: In higher dimensions, the first moment in the first coordinate only is displayed.
  • Second moment (second_moment)

    • Note: In higher dimensions, the first moment in the first coordinate only is displayed.
  • KL Divergence (KL_divergence):

    • Note: Computes the KL divergence on discrete histograms.
    • Note: Make sure that bins^d <= ~10^6.
  • Total Variation (total_variation):

    • Note: Computes the total variation on discrete histograms.
    • Note: Make sure that bins^d <= ~10^6.
  • (1-)Sliced Wasserstein distance on histograms (sliced_wasserstein):

    • Note: Computes the SW distance on discrete histograms.
    • Note: Make sure that bins^d <= ~10^6.
  • Naive (1-)Sliced Wasserstein approximation (sliced_wasserstein):

    • Note: Works for very large dimensions.
    • Note: Naively estimates the SW distance only at the points where the samples were made.
    • Note: If the sampled values are entirely wrong, this method will not work >> use first moment test first.
  • Kernel Density Estimated (KDE) KL Divergence (FFTKDE_KL):

    • Note: Same as KL Divergence, uses KDE instead of histograms.
  • KDE Total Variation (FFTKDE_TV):

    • Note: Same as Total Variation, uses KDE instead of histograms.
  • KDE (1-)Sliced Wasserstein distance (FFTKDE_SW):

    • Note: Same as Sliced Wasserstein, uses KDE instead of histograms.

The authors were supported by The Maxwell Institute Graduate School in Analysis and its Applications, a Centre for Doctoral Training funded by the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (grant EP/L016508/01), the Scottish Funding Council, Heriot-Watt University and the University of Edinburgh.